Embracing the Enemy

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  • Dedicated to Joelea Annabella McDonald

"You hold my heart in your hands. Please, don't clap."


His booming laughter echoed loudly throughout my room.

I tried to seductively approach him, but instead I nearly tripped over something again. He wasn't laughing anymore.

His arms snaked around my waist while I embraced him in a tight hug. Hehe, hugs are...huggy. I burst out laughing. He looked down at me, giving me a weird look as if to say, "The fuck is wrong with you?" But I ignored his look and ran my hands through his thick black hair.

Wait, hold up.

Hunter didn't have black hair, he had brown hair.

Oh no. No, no, no. It was Tony.

I quickly sobered up, remembering the only other time I had ever managed to sober up this fast when I was high. And that was when Tony had slapped me. Only this time, he hated me. And intended to kill me.

This was probably going to end up worse than a lousy slap.

I jumped away from him, but he grabbed me by my waist again and slung me in a different direction. I flew for a second before landing directly on my wall. My body crumpled to the ground in a heap.

Pain overcame me. My lungs felt like they were on fire, and it took all of my energy just to take one breath. Something was definitely broken. But he wasn't done.

He knelt down beside me and took hold of my hair, yanking me upwards.

Let me just say that if you've ever been in a girl fight, you would understand the rippling pain that comes along with hair pulling. I've been in a couple girl fights myself, thanks to Tony and the gang, so I was familiar with the extreme discomfort hair pulling brought. But those were simple little kid fights, this was a fight against my life. Tony pulled so hard on my hair that I thought for sure I'd die bald.

Then, in one fluid motion, he slammed my head against the wall. Once, twice, three times. My head felt like it contained a hive of bees. I heard a ringing noise in my ears, and nearly fainted. I was suddenly nauseous and wanted to throw up, but before I could even try, Tony brought his fist into my face. Hard.

Blood squirted from my mouth and even got on him. But it just made him smile.

I will forever hate that smile, and I will want it exterminated for as long as I exist on this universe. I swear that to whoever is listening. I will not bow down like a little bitch. Like his little bitch. I will fight back even if it kills me, or die trying. And once I'm up in Heaven, I will send that smile straight to Hell.

I promise.

The next thing I knew, he was typing my hands up with a rope. Before he could do my feet, I scraped up enough energy to bring my legs up. I kicked him as hard as I could in a place no man wants to get hit.

I expected some sort of painful reaction from him, maybe a groan or some sign that it hurt. But that never came, he started laughing instead.

"You silly girl, how could you forget that fallen angel's can't feel anything? What did you think I was after the entire time?" he asked with a smirk.

I didn't respond to him, how could I? So I mustered up all the words I wanted to say, and spat in his face. Hopefully he understood the anger in words I didn't even have to say.

He made a scowl and turned around to grab something from the floor. I couldn't see what it was, my eyes were clouding over, and I knew I would soon be unconscious. Or dead.

He binded my feet before rising up a blunt object in his hand. It was the baseball bat I always kept underneath my bed for safety reasons. I can't believe I'm about to be killed by the very thing I thought would protect me.

Finally, Hunter appeared.

Or at least, I think it was him. I obviously wasn't one to distinguish faces very well. I crossed my fingers and did a fast prayer that Hunter would save me from this misery. Come to think of it, I actually haven't prayed in a very long time. 

Something that sounded like a gunshot rang in my ears. Was somebody hurt? Who was it?

I slipped in and out of consciousness. Weird hallucinations started occurring; sometimes I would feel things that wouldn't make sense. For example, occasionally I felt something warm on my forehead, other times I'd hear random things. But that ringing noise constantly rang in my head.

It was making me crazy.


I was in a coma for four days.

Although my body was perfectly fine now, it wasn't as fine when Hunter found me. I had multiple head injurious, two broken ribs, and bruises cascaded along the length of my body. Oh, not to mention my lip was swollen the size of a golf ball. Overall, not a pretty sight.

When I first awoke, I was in an unfamiliar room. It was painted a beautiful light blue, and sophisticated artworks were hung in picture frames on the wall. As it turned out, I was in Hunter's "uncle's" guest room. But I didn't learn that until Hunter himself appeared beside me, handing me a glass of water. His handsome face was full of worry, and all I wanted to do was comfort him.

I told him everything that happened, from Tony's surprise attack to the heartless beating I received from him. He listened and gently stroked my forehead. So that's what the warm feeling was...

I stayed there with them for three days. One day I was curious and asked Micah (his uncle), "How come Hunter brought me here, instead of healing me like he did last time?"

"It drains a lot of energy from an angel whenever they perform a healing ritual. It's nearly impossible to do it twice in one day. So he brought you here to me so I could do it, " he informed.

"Micah, thanks. I haven't spent time with you since I discovered you were an angel, but now that I have, my trust in you has tripled. I'm much more confident now that I know someone I can trust is watching over my dad. Please, do your best to take care of him," I pleaded.

"Natalie, there is no need to worry. I'm doing the best I can, I've been alive for almost a thousand years," he said.

"So, um, I'm guessing you have plenty of experience in this department?" I asked.

"Plenty, love."


I felt better knowing my dad was safe, but now that I knew just how dangerous the fallen angel's were, I couldn't risk taking a relieved breath.

Thanks to Tony's attack, I fully understood what they're capable of. I'm so thankful that Hunter saved me, this time.

But what happens when he's not around?




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