Wings Of An Angel, Lips Of The Devil

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"When the stormy winds of life

Threaten to knock you down,

May you have the courage

To spread your wings and fly!"


We've all seen those pictures on the internet, or in church. The ones where you see a pure, beautiful winged angel flying into Heaven. We’ve seen their calm faces, with eyes closed and arms extended high into the air. A sense of freedom and carelessness overcomes us then. We may have seen those pictures or paintings before, but have you ever felt as one? Have you ever become part of the atmosphere around you, as you soar through the clouds?

It's very difficult to answer with "Yes, I have." Nearly impossible to answer with that, actually.

So then what makes me so special? What entitles me to be the privileged girl who is lucky enough to be wrapped in the arms of the man of her dreams (who just so happens to be her Guardian angel, by the way)? I knew that my luck was running incredibly high right now, but still. How come I had to ruin the moment by letting it slip that I loved him?

As quick as I could, I slapped my hand over my mouth and looked away. My cheeks burned in embarrassment and my heart stuttered, beating an irregular beat. Wow, I just blew it.

It was way too early to be saying, "I love you" to Hunter, for I had only known him a short amount of time. I didn't by any means expect him to say the words back; in fact I expected the opposite. I figured he would laugh in my face, or worse, ignore me. Pain ripped me in shreds at the thought of him never talking to me again, no outcome could be worse than that. It wasn't that I regretted saying that to him because I didn't have those feelings, because trust me, they were true. It was more the fact that I had acted on impulse and blurted out whatever I felt like saying.

I heard him sigh.

Disappointment flooded through me, I knew nothing good could come from a sigh that deep. I prepared myself for the worst, but what he said next surprised me.

"Oh Angel, how do you expect me to say I love you back when your facing the other direction? I certainly hope you don't think I would reject you, because I can assure you that's that exact thing I wouldn't do. Angel, pleaselook at me," he persisted.

I turned my head to look at him, and was greeted by his warm smile.

"Every feeling you have for me, I feel ten thousand times stronger. I've been watching you for awhile now, and over time I've grown to fall more and more...well, you know. The problem is, I have to wait five months, four now, until I can actually say the words I love you. I can't directly say it to you until then, but I feel it, I really do. And remember, once we exchange those words...."

"Tony and his evil bastards evaporate to hell?" I asked.

"Right on. So right now the only thing I have to do is...."

"Keep me alive and well?" I interrupted, with a smirk.

"You are just.... fantastic."


I don't remember falling asleep in his arms, or him tucking me in bed, but when I awoke the next morning I was wrapped comfortably in my blanket, and satisfied. I flashed back to every memory from last night, and to say it was an epic night was an understatement. It was difficult to block out the many bad events that occurred, but it was made easier when I thought of the things that happened after we left the party.

Kissed By My Angel~ Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now