Life Has Bridges To Cross

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"Better to fight for something than to live for nothing..."


The rest of lunch passed by rather boring.

How could I have been so ignorant before? Tony was nothing special, so why did I ever put him on a pedestal when we were dating? Well, I guess we still are in a relationship. My heart may belong to another man, but my physical body is stuck here, forced to make small talk with this worthless piece of nothing. Time couldn't slide by any slower, and I found myself often checking my phone to see how much time had gone by.

What felt like forever was actually only an hour. Somehow, I had made it through with flying colors.

And so began the new routine of my double life. During school hours, I strayed as far away from Hunter as I could, I knew Tony had his little fallen angel spies everywhere. I stayed glued to Tony's side at school, then as soon as he dropped me off after, Hunter greeted me in my apartment.

Unless, of course, Tony felt like staying over for a couple hours. Then, Hunter was nowhere to be seen.

I dreaded the times when he would drop me off, then park his car and follow me inside. I already hated the time I was spending with him during the day, so it drove me crazy when he wanted to spend "extra time" with me. He was disgusting. He'd barge in my apartment, grab a beer, flip his shoes off, and flop onto the couch. We would watch sports most of the time, which wasn't so bad except whenever he wanted a make out session.

The only highlight of my days were when I got to spend my night with Hunter. It didn't matter if I never got to spend time with him after school due to Tony, because every night we visited our spot: the meadow.

It didn't matter how many times I've been there, it still got me breathless every time I absorbed the peacefulness of the meadow combined with the grace of the waterfall. We spent our time there falling deeper and deeper in love. Although neither of us could directly say "I love you" to each other, we used little terms such as "Lurve you" or "I heart you". Thank goodness for those loopholes.

I just couldn't believe how lucky I was to be in love with such an amazing guy. He was my everything, but most importantly I could tell how much I meant to him.

I thought I'd been in love before, but man was I wrong. 

When we weren't in the meadow looking up at the bright stars, we were in our secret cave, where I learned what passion was really about. We never went all the way or anything significantly close, but we did enough to know I wanted my first time to be with him, if I haven't already made that clear. I shudder just thinking to how it almost could've been with Tony. I don't think I could've lived with myself.

Currently, Hunter's lips are being pressed against my own, and we're starting that slow rhythm of kissing, our bodies molding together perfectly in unison. I moan when his hands roam over my sides, my body responding by leaning in to him. I let my hands explore from his neck down to his well- muscled torso. His body is rock hard, and I'm loving it. And obviously, so is he. I can tell by the way he buries his head in my neck while I'm running my hands over his stomach.

He kisses my neck, while sensually messaging my shoulders. This was Heaven.

That night, I let my body take over. I went farther with Hunter than I had ever gone before, yet I felt no remorse. I would have to ask him sometime what the rules in Heaven were for sex...


Just as I rest my head on my pillow for the first time that night, my alarm clock rings. Damn, were we really out all night? Guess so. Today would be exhausting, and I wasn't looking forward to it. So, I decided to text my dad and tell him I was staying home today. I gave him some lousy excuse about a migraine, but he still let me stay home. Next, I texted Hunter and Tony and told them I wasn't feeling well.

Kissed By My Angel~ Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now