A/N: I don't own Warriors. Erin Hunter does. I just play with the characters.
" Speech"
Dreams, visions, thoughts
' Flashback'
About half a moon after the Gathering Mapleshade was padding back to the RiverClan camp with a few small minnows in her jaws. Beside her were Birchfoot, Cedarstep, and Hollymist. The patrol had been rather successful with their hunt.
" I nearly lost that carp. Thank you for the help, Hollymist " Cedarstep mewed at the young black warrior.
Hollymist purred. " You're welcome. I thought you needed the help, because of your condition. "
Cedarstep purred a bit. " I know that. I'll have to move to the nursery soon. " The reddish-brown and white queen was about moon along.
As the patrol padded to the camp Mapleshade noticed that Petalpaw and Larchpaw were leaving the camp with their mentors and a few other warriors.
Petalpaw padded over to the hunting patrol, eyes shining with excitement and nervousness. " We are going to go mark the border with ThunderClan. I hope everything goes well."
Mapleshade nodded to her daughter, purring. " Don't worry about it, you'll be fine if you stay near your mentor and follow his instructions. " She reassured her.
Petalpaw purred, nodding. " I will, mama. I'll do my best to be the best apprentice ever. "
Mapleshade purred, nudging her gently. " Go now, little one. Go impress every warrior possible. "
After the border patrol left Mapleshade shared a small carp with Birchfoot, enjoying the closeness of the dark brown and white tabby. Maybe someday we will become more than good friends, I certainly hope so. He has been a perfect father figure for my kits, even though he knows that they aren't his.
Later, when Mapleshade was washing herself she saw the familiar form of her son approaching the leader's den with a worried expression on his face. Did something happen? Why else Patchpaw would look so worried?
Patchpaw padded into the leader's den. " Darkstar? I have something to tell you. "
The black she-cat turned to look at him. " What is it?"
" I had a vision of a fight with ThunderClan. However, unlike most of the skirmishes, it was here, at the camp, instead of Sunningrocks and I think I saw Oakstar attacking you with a few of the stronger-looking warriors of his. During the attack, I heard him yowling ' Where are they?! Those rats do not belong in any Clan! They can barely be called cats! They should have drowned in the river!'
Then I saw how a few of the other warriors were fighting with my mother, trying to drive her out of the camp. I think that they were trying to do that to my littermates too. I don't want that to happen! " Patchpaw explained to her, with a nervous expression, nearly wailing the last part.
Darkstar listened to him patiently. " Thank you for the information about the vision. I will double the border patrols on the ThunderClan side. Have you told Bristleflight about the vision? If not, you should do that. "
Patchpaw nodded. " I told her about it instantly and she told me to come to talk to you. " He told the leader with a nervous twitch of his tailtip.
Darkstar purred a bit, trying to calm him down. " That's good to hear. And don't worry about it, I'll handle it. "
Patchpaw nodded, padding out of the den. I hope that the vision won't come true. Oh, StarClan, what do I do?
Meanwhile, in ThunderClan, Oakstar was pacing around in his den, his claws digging into the dirt floor as the thoughts of the last Gathering swirled around in his head like a restless current. Why would Darkstar give a place from RiverClan to her and her half-Clan spawn? They have the blood of a murderer in their veins! They don't belong in any Clan! They should be driven out! From all of the Clans! I will do it myself if Darkstar won't!
After what felt like moons of planning which warriors to take with him, Oakstar padded out of his den and to the clearing before jumping onto Highrock and calling the Clan meeting.
As the Clan gathered under the Highrock he started the meeting. " As you know, in the last Gathering we got rather surprising news from Darkstar. She has taken Mapleshade and her half-Clan rats to RiverClan, even giving one of them a sought-after position of a medicine cat apprentice. I don't think they should live in any of the Clans, polluting them with the blood of a murderer. I think they should be driven out! Since Darkstar hasn't done it, we will! " He yowled, bristling.
" But Oakstar! The kits haven't done anything to ThunderClan, have they? I don't think they deserve to be driven out, no matter what Clan they are in. " He heard the voice of Sweetbriar, a light brown tabby she-cat with white paws, try to protest. She was looking at him with wide green eyes.
Oakstar didn't react to it, starting to tell the patrols he had planned. " Beetail, Deerdapple, Frecklewish, Seedpelt, Bloomheart, Whisperlight, and Hawkleap are the first attacking patrol. Your goal is to ambush any cat that tries to stop us from reaching the camp.
While Stagfoot, Flamepool, Deerspot, Featherleap, and Patchcloud are the second patrol. You will be driving her and the rats out from RiverClan. " He mewed, eyes alight with a hunger for justice. I will do it for you, Birchface. You should have been a part of ThunderClan, and have a real mate and kits. I will avenge you, my son. I promise it.
A/N: A little bit shorter chapter this time. Sorry for the wait, life got in the way of writing. But, what do you think? Will Patchpaw's vision come true?

New path ( Mapleshade AU)
FanfictionMapleshade's kits survive the journey to RiverClan and grow up in the new Clan. But they face distrust due to their half-Clan heritage. As if that wouldn't be enough, Mapleshade has set her eyes on another tom besides their father.