Alacrity, a word of haste,
In history, it was often traced,
From battles fought to ships at sea,
It was the key to victory.Swift movements and actions bold,
Gave warriors an edge untold,
In moments of strife, with hearts afire,
Alacrity proved to be their sire.***
Echoes of History: Poems from the Past
Poesía[Grand Runner's-up at Versification-2023] "Echoes of History" explores the impact of history on individuals and societies, capturing the many emotions and experiences that make up the human experience. From legendary moments to disease and isolation...
39. Echoes of Alacrity
Alacrity, a word of haste,
In history, it was often traced,
From battles fought to ships at sea,
It was the key to victory.Swift movements and actions bold,
Gave warriors an edge untold,
In moments of strife, with hearts afire,
Alacrity proved to be their sire.***