Chapter 2

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chapter 2

    When Mu Xi returned to the dormitory, none of his roommates were there.

    University A is a four-person room. Mu Xi skipped two grades when he was in school, and was only 16 years old when he was a freshman. The roommates are two years older than him, one has a good relationship with him, and the other two have a good relationship.

    Mu Xi only lives in school from Monday to Thursday, and goes home to accompany his parents from Friday to Sunday. There was class tomorrow morning, so he left his things at home and returned to the dormitory at night.

    After taking a shower and coming out of the bathroom, Mu Xi's cell phone rang, and when he clicked on it, it was a message from Ji Fangshu.

    "Mu Mu, if you don't want to, mommy should go and have a good talk with the Shen family."

    "Shen Yi's behavior is bad, and momma doesn't want you to be with him either."

    The marriage with the Shen family was arranged by Muxi's grandfather. With the passing away of the elders of the Shen family and the Mu family, few people talked about it in the past two years.

    Shen Yi is a well-known playboy, and the right family definitely doesn't want to marry him.

    Mu Xi's family background and appearance are all excellent, and he has no messy contacts. Shen Yi's parents are very satisfied with him and want him to marry Shen Yi as soon as possible.

    There was an accident in the Mu family's company this year. Shen Yi's father told Mu Zhong that if the Mu family and the Shen family completed the marriage the old man had set, the Shen family would inject funds into the Mu family to help the Mu family tide over the difficulties.

    Mu Xi doesn't know much about Shen Yi, he rarely pays attention to the media, and basically doesn't read all kinds of news on the Internet.

    A few hours ago, Mu Xi was still at home, and Mu Zhong told him that Shen Yi would meet him at a restaurant on weekends, and the two of them got to know each other in advance.

    No one can tell whether the news and rumors on the Internet are true or false.

    Mu Xi hoped that the Mu family would be on the right track and that there would be a chance to recover, so he would naturally recover.

    So he planned to meet Shen Yi and get to know him.

    Mu Xi sent a message back to Ji Fangshu: "Mom, I will meet with him tomorrow, and I want to make a decision about the marriage after we meet."

    Just as the message was sent, the door of the dormitory was pushed open.

    A boy covered in sweat and wearing a basketball uniform came in. He wiped his sweat and took off his shirt: "It's too hot!"

    Mu Xi put away his phone.

    The boy took off half of his shirt, and suddenly saw Mu Xi sitting in front of the table.

    In the student dormitory of University A, there are beds and tables, and everyone has a curtain to separate them, and they usually lie on the bed. He didn't expect Mu Xi to sit underneath.

    "Mu Xi, are you back from your trip? Is city C fun? Did you go to the beach to pick up shells?"

    Mu Xi was sitting here, Mo Yuan didn't take off his clothes, and took the towel hanging beside him to wipe the pimples on his forehead and neck beads of sweat.

    I don't know why, Mo Yuan is careless, never shy away from taking off his clothes in front of the other two roommates, but he is embarrassed to do so in front of Mu Xi.

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