Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

    Ji Fangshu and Mu Xi went to the kitchen to cook dinner together.

    There is a cook at home, but Ji Fangshu is very good at cooking and likes to cook by herself, and Mu Xi will help her by her side.

    Mu Zhong didn't come back for dinner today, Ji Fangshu made it very simple, three refreshing side dishes and a vegetable soup, not long after the two of them ate, Mu Zhong came back from outside smelling of alcohol.

    Mu Xi stood up and supported Mu Zhong to sit on the sofa: "Father."

    Mu Zhong loosened his tie.

    He drank a little wine, but the smell was not strong.

    Mu Zhong is the same age as Ji Fangshu. His complexion is cold and fair, his height is more than 1.8 meters, he looks gentle and elegant, and he wears glasses with gold rims. He doesn't look like those greasy middle-aged men at all.

    Mu Xi asked the nanny to warm up a glass of milk, and Mu Zhong took the cup from Mu Xi's hand and said, "Did Shen Yi not come over this afternoon?"

    Ji Fangshu frowned: "How is that possible? Mrs. Shen called and said he had gone , and Mumu didn't see eye to eye, so I don't plan to get married."

    "I saw him around three o'clock in the afternoon, and he called someone, saying that he didn't meet Mumu, and said a lot of things to belittle the Mu family. "

    Ji Fangshu's expression turned ugly in an instant: "Mu Mu, he really didn't go to see you?"

    Seeing that this matter was not hidden, Mu Xi nodded, "I waited in the restaurant for several hours, I didn't see Shen Yi."

    Ji Fangshu usually has a good temper, but now she said angrily: "If he doesn't plan to meet, he should tell us in advance, and let Mu Mubai wait for him all afternoon, what is this? Are you deliberately embarrassing our family? ? His time is precious, but Mu Mu's time is not?"

    Mu Zhong originally wanted to match Mu Xi and Shen Yi together.

    Now seeing that Shen Yi not only has a lot of lace news, but also belittles Mu Xi, even if the Shen family is willing, he doesn't want Mu Xi and Shen Yi to get married.

    Ji Fangshu took out her cell phone and wanted to call Shen Yi's mother.

    Mu Xi pressed her hand: "Mom, let's forget about this for now."

    Ji Fangshu felt wronged for Mu Xi.

    Mu Zhong said: "Shen Yi's parents are not good, so let's pretend that this incident never happened. It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. I will think of a way to tide over the company's affairs." Ji Fangshu took a deep breath, slowly Calm down slowly.

    Mu Zhong was right.

    Shen Yi's parents are not kind to be arrogant. The Shen family's status in City A is too high, even if the Mu family doesn't lose power, they can't afford to offend them.

    It was getting late, Ji Fangshu asked Mu Xi to go back to the room to rest.

    Mu Xi came out of the bathroom after taking a bath, his hair was half-dried, and he was only wearing a thin white bathrobe.

    Although the matter between him and Shen Yi was not widely spread, people in the circle knew about it.

    Mu Xi opened Weibo, and occasionally went online to see if there was any news about the Mu family on the trending searches.

    Last year, Aite passed Mu Xi during the freshman promotion of University A. Many students in University A did not know that Mu Xi was the young master of the Mu family. They only knew that he was a handsome senior from the School of Mathematics.

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