Chapter 31

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  Mu Xi rarely accepts other people's things, he shook his head: "Sorry, I don't like wearing things on my hands."

  Bai Minmin's eye circles turned red again: "But, but..."

  The professor has already walked in from the outside, and the class is about to start. In this case, Mu Xi didn't want her to cry, so he had to accept it.

  Seeing her bracelet on Mu Xi's wrist, Bai Minmin's mood improved a lot.

  Mu Xi's hands are really beautiful, his fingers are extraordinarily slender, shining like a cold moon, his fingernails and knuckles are slightly crimson, and they look particularly clean.

  Among the science boys in the Department of Mathematics, Mu Xi's clothes have always been very fresh, never smelling or dirty, even the most common school uniform in the school, it looks very good on him.

  Most girls like boys who are clean and polite. Except for the students who really come to this class, most of the others who come to this class are to appreciate Mu Xi's beautiful face.

  Several classmates looked at Mu Xi's slender and thick eyelashes, his handsome and gentle side face, and his light-colored lips that were soft at first glance, and they couldn't help but be impressed.

  The professor is no stranger to this situation.

  After teaching for so many years, it was also the first time I saw such a good-looking student as Mu Xi. It is normal for young students to like to look at handsome guys and beautiful women, but some of them always look at them in a daze, and have no idea what this class is about.

  That's all for other majors, but there are still students of this major.

  The professor clicked on a male student who was distracted by his major to answer the question, but the student faltered and couldn't answer for a long time.

  The professor reprimanded him with a cold face, and then called Mu Xi up again.

  Mu Xi is good-looking, she is good-looking, she is definitely not just a vase of appearance, she is exceptionally good at academics, even if some students in the class are disturbed, the professor can bear it.

  He answered the professor's questions fluently.

  The professor's complexion improved a lot.

  After these two classes, there is also an entrepreneurial guidance class for college students. After class, He Ruicheng came to find Mu Xi: "Let's go eat hot pot together tonight. There is a new hot pot restaurant opened in front of the school. I heard it is very delicious."

  "I'm going home tonight."

  I still don't know which house it is - it's probably Shen Ming's house.

  "Aren't you still familiar with each other?" He Ruicheng said, "Recently, you are slowly developing a relationship?"

  Mu Xi just smiled and didn't say anything more.

  Regarding private life, Mu Xi doesn't like to share it with others.

  Bai Minmin next to him heard He Ruicheng's words, and later realized that Mu Xi might have a date.

  There are not a few people who pursue Muxi... I don't know who is so lucky to be able to pursue such a high mountain flower.

  The next class is not in this building, and people in the classroom leave one after another. Bai Minmin has a professional class in the next class, and the classroom she goes to is further away, so she packs her things and leaves quickly.

  He Ruicheng waited for Mu Xi to pack his schoolbag, and the two talked and laughed and went to another classroom.

  In the past, He Ruicheng looked at the school's forum: "There are new photos in the post about you. Why are there perverts who take photos of you in every class?"

  Anyone who secretly took pictures of Mu Xi and uploaded them to the forum, regardless of gender, was collectively called a pervert by He Ruicheng.

  In the past two years, there were more boys. Although the number of boys has also increased this year, as Mu Xi became taller and taller, his sense of childishness gradually faded, and he became more gentle and desolate. The number of girls quickly surpassed them.

  After class, Shen Ming sent Mu Xi the location of his parking lot. After Mu Xi passed by, he found that Shen Ming came to drive a very low-key Volkswagen Phaeton this time.

  Mu Xi opened the car door and went in.

  Shen Ming looked at him with a half-smile: "It's not good to attract attention at school. I bought a new car. Can you tell me where you go to class next time?"

  Mu Xi didn't expect him to guess the specific reason.


  Shen Ming suddenly shook Mu Xi's right hand: "Does it still hurt now?"

  Mu Xi shook his head.

  Can't think about what happened last night.

  Shen Ming's slightly calloused fingertips rubbed Mu Xi's palm. He looked at it in the morning, and although it was not broken, it was a little red and swollen, and now it seemed to have returned to normal.

  There were a lot of students coming and going outside, some of the voices were blocked, but it was still lively.

  Shen Ming saw that Mu Xi wore a string of white crystals on his wrist today, which looked really nice, making his wrist extra thin. He dialed it casually: "Why are you wearing a bracelet?"

  Mu Xi suddenly remembered that he forgot to take it off after wearing it in class: "A classmate gave it to me in class today."

  Shen Ming smiled: "The one chasing you?"

  Mu Xi was a little embarrassed and didn't answer.

  Shen Ming took off the string and threw it aside: "Confiscated."

  Mu Xi nodded: "Okay."

  Shen Ming leaned over to help him fasten his seat belt. He was worried that Mu Xi was angry and felt that he was restraining him too much. Before getting up, he kissed Mu Xi on the forehead: "Take you home, and it will be better to compensate you in the future." .”

  The author has something to say:

  The relationship between the two is not very familiar yet, and the relationship needs to be cultivated.

  It will soon be Friday, and Mu Xi called his grandpa and grandma, and he plans to go over to play on the weekend.

  Muxi's grandparents didn't live in City A. The two elderly people lived in nearby City B, which can be reached in less than an hour by high-speed train.

  During this period of time, so many things happened in Mu's house, Ji Fangshu was worried that her parents would be sick, so she didn't tell the two old people at all. Mu Xi didn't go back to Ji's house for a long time.

  Mu Xi bought a high-speed rail ticket for 8:30, and set an alarm clock for 7:00 on Saturday morning. At seven o'clock, the alarm clock rang for a while, Mu Xi was too sleepy to get up, so he stretched out his hand from under the quilt and pressed it.

  Shen remembered Mu Xi's weekend trip to City B. He came out of the study at 7:10, saw the dining table was empty, and asked casually, "The young master has already left?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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