Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

    Mu Xi didn't wake up until 8:30 the next morning.

    He has always had the habit of staying in bed, but it was fine when he was in school, because everyone in the dormitory set the alarm clock. If you forget to set the alarm clock at home, every time Mu Xi gets up, it will be slow.

    Today's class doesn't start at eight o'clock in the morning, it's the second class in the morning.

    There was a light knock on the door outside: "Mu Xi, are you awake? There is class this morning."

    Mu Xi was still buried in the pillow, and gave a soft "hmm".

    "I opened the door and came in."

    Mu Xi rubbed his eyes: "Please come in."

    Shen Ming held a set of clothes in his hand, and he put the clothes on the side of Mu Xi's bedside pillow: "The clothes you wore yesterday, The clothes have been cleaned by them."

    "Thank you."

    Mu Xi poked his head out from under the quilt.

    He had just woken up, his nightgown was loosely falling on his body, his black soft hair was a little messy, and his eyes were still full of sleepiness.

    Mu Xi's clothes were supposed to be delivered by the maid, but the housekeeper gave the clothes to Shen Ming - the young man brought by Mr. Shen is too dazzling, if he gets up early in the morning dressed disheveled, a few young maids, I'm afraid it's not good to discuss this young master's figure and beauty in private like a celebrity.

    Shen Ming usually gets up very early because he has the habit of exercising in the morning.

    When he was at home, he didn't have to wear a suit like he did in the company. Now he was wearing a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up a lot, revealing a strong arm with a watch on his wrist.

    Mu Xi pressed Shen Ming's arm and looked at the time: "It's already half past eight, I want to take a bath."

    Seeing the young man's body suddenly leaning over, Shen Ming's breath was stagnant, and his eyes first fell on Mu Xi's hand, and then landed on Mu Xi's face.

    Mu Xi woke up listless in the morning, and his already pale face was even less complex.

    "Mr. Shen, please pull me up, I can't get up."

    Shen Ming held Mu Xi's wrist and pulled Mu Xi up with a little effort.

    Mu Xi slowed down after sitting up. He has been suffering from hypoglycemia. He got up late today and hasn't eaten yet, so he has some symptoms.

    The finger marks were very obvious on the snow-white and thin skin.

    Mu Xi didn't pay attention to this little detail, but Shen Ming's eyes flicked past his hands.

    Shen Ming didn't let go, just sitting on the bed, gently pulled Mu Xi to his side: "Not feeling well?"

    Mu Xi didn't feel any discomfort, the distance between the two was very close, but yesterday they were sure Relationship, this is probably the distance when normal couples get along.

    Now that he has agreed to associate with Shen Ming, Mu Xi does not reject any physical contact.

    It's just that there is a big gap between Shen Ming and his height and shape.

    Mu Xi raised his head slightly: "I have a little hypoglycemia."

    "Can I take a shower in the morning if I have low blood sugar?"

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