Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

    After watching Mu Xi enter the teaching building, Shen Ming drove away from the school.

    At noon, Shen Ming ate at a restaurant next to the company. When he was about to leave after eating, a tall and handsome man walked over with his arms around a thin man wearing a mask.

    Shen Ming's face suddenly became much colder.

    At this time, the other party had already seen him, and came over to say hello unhurriedly: "Brother, are you eating here too?"

    Although Shen Ming and Shen Yi were cousins, their relationship had never been very close.

    Because the growth environment and living habits are completely opposite, Shen Ming doesn't think much of Shen Yi, a dandy who is idle and eating, and Shen Yi also doesn't like Shen Ming, a workaholic who has gold and silver in his family but runs out to be abused and start a business.

    Even if the relationship is not good, Shen Ming is the elder brother, he will inherit the Shen family in the future, and he will bear the burden of the whole family on his shoulders, Shen Yi always greets him when he sees him.

    The thin man next to Shen Yi took off his mask, and after showing his face, Shen Ming felt that this man looked familiar, as if he had seen him on TV.

    "Mr. Shen, hello, my name is Qi Wenran, and I'm a signed artist of Lihe Entertainment." Qi Wenran extended his hand politely, "I'm really honored to meet you today." Shen Ming didn't shake hands with him, but nodded indifferently.

    Nodded: "Hello."

    Shen Yi said with a smile: "He has been with me for a while, brother, do you need an endorsement for your company's products? Wenwen is popular, so give him this endorsement."

    Qi Wenran looked flattered He gave Shen Yi a look.

    To be honest, Shen Yi is definitely a generous financial backer, and Qi Wenran's time with him is not short, although he didn't get an official title, but he has everything else he should have.

    During this period of time, Qi Wenran's movie appointments and variety show advertisements continued, and he was almost among the first-line niche students.

    The status of the Shen family is extraordinary, even if Shen Yi is not the serious heir of the Shen family, even if something leaks between his fingers, someone else can steal his head.

    If he could get another endorsement from Shen Ming's company --

    Qi Wenran was a little excited.

    Shen Ming said coldly: "He doesn't meet the qualifications."

    Shen Ming's company is very cautious in terms of endorsements. Normally, it invites powerful stars with works and reputation. The outside world knows this. He is too lazy to explain to them, let alone What needs to be explained.

    "Since that's the case, forget it."

    Shen Yi didn't want to win this endorsement for Qi Wenran at first, he had already given Qi Wenran enough.

    He just heard that Shen Ming and Mu Xi got married, and he was a little cranky these days.

    Even though Shen Yi and Mu Xi had never met, the scandal between the two was raging. Everyone thought that Shen Yi was going to marry Mu Xi.

    Now the situation changed suddenly, and the person who married Mu Xi became Shen Ming.

    Facing the scandal in the past, Shen Yi didn't know whether Shen Ming cared or not.

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