Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

    Mu Xi likes to concentrate on one thing and doesn't like to associate with too many people. However, after the Mu family has gone through this incident, the elder brother cannot be allowed to appear in public again. In the future, Mu Xi will have to take care of the family affairs.

    Therefore, he is still learning in terms of human relations and sophistication, and many times he will not understand the meaning of many people's words.

    After what happened last night, Mu Xi seriously considered Shen Ming's "promise with his body" on the way to school.

    The phone rang, and it was a message from He Ruicheng: "Are you going home tonight?"

    There is no morning class tomorrow, and Mu Xi still wants to go home tonight. He got along well with his roommates, but it was summer, and the smell of feet and sweat from the boys in the dormitory was indeed a bit heavy, even if the windows were open for ventilation, he could only spray a little perfume in the dormitory to get rid of the smell. Last summer and when he was a freshman, Mu Xi lived at home five or six days a week because he couldn't stand the smell.

    "Go home."

    "The college wants you to perform a show." He Ruicheng sent messages one after another, "The sophomore girls are sorry to find you, but they found me."

    Mu Xi didn't have any this year. Too much interest, declined He Ruicheng.

    "If you don't agree, they will disturb everyone in our dormitory." He Ruicheng also found it funny, "You have such a good temper, why don't people from the academy dare to look for you? Girls blush every time they talk to you, like That Xu Yanhua looks like an idiot."

    "Don't worry, you're playing a role in a drama, and there aren't many scenes, only a few minutes, with very few lines, at most a day or two, so you won't waste a lot of time rehearsing."

    Mu Xi thought for a while , promised He Ruicheng.

    He Ruicheng was ecstatic: "Then I wrote back to the junior?"

    A few minutes later, He Ruicheng sent another message: "The junior invited me two cups of milk tea. Are you at school? I'll send it to you." A glass."

    Mu Xi kept a low profile at school, and the driver drove him to school in an ordinary car, which was not eye-catching.

    Now the driver has sent him to the library.

    "I'm in the library."

    "OK, you find a cool place and wait for me, I'll be there in ten minutes."

    Mu Xi waited under the willow tree in front of the library for less than ten minutes, and He Ruicheng had already arrived on his bicycle .

    He Ruicheng put down the bicycle and handed Mu Xi a cup of fruit tea: "No ice, the taste you usually like. "

    The morning sun was not strong yet, and the lake in front of the library was rippling and sparkling by the breeze.

    Mu Xi sat on the grass by the lake, took out the sandwich Mu Zhong made for him, and took a sip of fruit tea Eat some sandwiches.

    " Did you go on a blind date with Shen Yi yesterday afternoon?" Mu Xi nodded.

    He Ruicheng said, "Did Shen Yi not come?" Today my friend told me that Shen Yi and Qi Wenran went to bed together last night, and that Qi Wenran was going to appear in a popular variety show, and Shen Yi gave the resources. "

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