Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

    Of course Mu Xi couldn't get up the next morning.

    When he was not in class, he would stay in bed until half past eleven.

    Both grandpa and grandma know his habits, the little grandson finally came here once, what's wrong with sleeping a little longer? Being able to sleep is also a blessing. I don’t know how many people can’t fall asleep after taking sleep medicine.

    The grandma is eccentric and protects his weaknesses, she will never allow anyone to call her obedient grandson lazy.

    The two old people would go for a walk in the morning and exercise. Today, there are guests visiting at home, and the grandmother has been nagging all morning: "Mumu came here with great difficulty. What do you think you want others to come to the house? Mumu is not born loves to talk, and when there are outsiders around during the meal, he doesn't want to add more food."

    Grandpa explained to grandma in a low voice: "How can you refuse this? It's hard for him to come here, so we can't let people run away."

     In the eyes of outsiders, Mu Grandpa is a master with a temper. In the eyes of grandma, he is a good old man who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

    Grandma couldn't help rolling her eyes: "If Mumu is unhappy, I'll grab your beard and pull it off for you."

    Grandpa has a beautiful long white beard, which he combs secretly several times a day, especially when eating. Be careful, and apply oil on the beard, and he will be very distressed if he loses one. No one else could touch his beard but himself.

    When Mu Xi was a child, he was a very curious child. He had never seen a grandfather without a beard, and he was particularly curious about what a grandfather without a beard looked like. In order to satisfy Xiao Mumu's curiosity, Grandpa actually shaved off the long beard on the lower half of his face, and took a photo with Xiao Mumu in his arms.

    Grandma, Ji Fangshu, and Ji Fangwen were all shocked. They had lived with grandpa for so many years, and it was the first time they knew that grandpa was willing to shave his beard on his own initiative.

    The shaved grandfather is still a fairy, but many people in the outside world recognize him by his beard. Later, when his grandfather went to participate in the event, the staff thought he was impersonating Mr. Ji Wangqiu and blocked him from the door.

    After satisfying little Mumu's curiosity, grandpa grew his beard again, and every time grandma quarreled with him, she would threaten to pull his beard.

    The door of Mu Xi's bedroom was not locked, so that it would be convenient for others to come in at night to cover him with a quilt or something.

    At 8:30, grandma went up to take a look. At this time, Mu Xi was sleeping soundly. He was wearing pajamas with long sleeves and trousers, and the thin silk quilt on his body fell on the floor. His sleeping face was very quiet. It looks very immature.

    Grandma felt that the temperature in the room was a bit cold, so she gently covered Mu Xi with a quilt.

    The guests are already here.

    Grandma went out to have a look. That fat man was a distant relative of Mu Xi's grandfather. His name was Li Jingsheng. He was a little close. The elders of Li's parents were both high-ranking officials and big businesses in City B. Li Jingsheng's family background was quite prominent. He is not conceited, he is a filial child, and every year during the holidays, he will bring a lot of things to visit Grandpa Mu Xi. Grandpa is quite annoyed by ordinary people, so he has a good impression of him.

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