Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

    Mu Xi sat up straight on the sofa, and adjusted his collar a little.

    Looking up and seeing the housekeeper and the nanny wanting to leave, Mu Xi smiled helplessly: "Sir, he drank too much alcohol... He usually doesn't lose his temper like this."

     Mu Xi grew up in his own home, grandparents' home, and Ji Fangwen's home No matter which family needs to hire a nanny.

    The relationship between the employer and the nanny is sometimes very delicate. Once there are more than two servants in the family, they will gossip in private about what the employer has to do.

    Mu Xi didn't know what Shen Ming's family was like, Shen Ming's family was bigger, had more rules, and the servants had a more detailed division of labor, which was more demanding than Mu's family.

    But human nature is unavoidable, and many people just have selfish desires.

    Mu Xi didn't want them to think that Shen Ming's haste was not dignified enough, thus lowering Shen Ming's lofty image in their hearts, so he made up for it a little.

    Most men have a particularly smoky smell of alcohol when they are drunk, and Shen Ming also smells of alcohol when he is drunk, but he is clean and tidy, his breath is not boring, and he will not blush and go crazy with alcohol.

    The most important thing is that Shen Ming is handsome, even when he is drunk, he is still charming.

    Mu Xi's schoolbag was still on the car, Shen Ming was only focused on carrying him out at that time, and didn't care that his things were left behind. He asked the driver for the key to get his schoolbag in the car.

    Butler Liu was worried that Shen Ming, who was drunk, would blow up the kitchen. After sending the nanny away, he went to the kitchen to have a look.

    Shen Ming really doesn't know how to cook.

    Last night, making tomato and egg noodles was already the limit. Today, Mu Xi picks up and doesn't want to eat noodles. He is still thinking about what to do.

    Fortunately, Steward Liu asked the chef to make a lot of wontons and store them in the refrigerator during the day. He was worried that Shen Ming and Mu Xi would cook like yesterday, so he made such preparations.

    "That—" Butler Liu said cautiously, "There are wontons in the refrigerator, with three kinds of fillings: fresh corn meat, fresh carrot meat and fresh mushroom meat, and there is also the chicken soup boiled today, sir, would you like to make chicken soup wontons? "

    Shen Ming nodded coldly: "Okay."

    He really didn't know what to make for supper, cooking wontons should require skill.

    Butler Liu watched for a long time, and looked at Shen Ming with a look of shock, asking "wontons should be boiled in cold water or hot water", "what kind of pot should be used to cook wontons", "wontons can be cooked in a few minutes".

    Shen Ming is indeed a bit talented in cooking. It was his first time cooking wontons, and the heat was just right, and none of them were cooked.

    The clear chicken soup in the white porcelain bowl is fragrant, and the thin-skinned and thick-fleshed wontons are steaming.

    If it wasn't for Shen Ming's dismissal, Liu Butler really wanted to send Wen Manrong and Shen Junhua a picture of him cooking in a formal suit.

    Mu Xi brought back his schoolbag, and he secretly watched Shen Ming cook at the kitchen door.

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