TWO UPDATES IN TWO DAYS, IMPOSSIBLE!! Did I stay awake till 3:20 am to finish this? YES. Was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY. It's also probably my new favorite chapter, hehe. ♡♡
"The old man locked us in here?" I ask
"The old man locked us in here."
"What are we going to do now? We're stuck, like stuck-stuck. Trapped. Confined. Imprisoned. Shut in. Entombed. Confined. Incarcerated. What will we eat? What will we drink? How will be attending classes tomorrow? Oh my god, HOW ARE WE GOING TO USE THE BATHROOM? They never show that stuff in those thriller movies when they get stuck for like a week or so. Shit shit shit. WHAT AM I GOING TO TELL MY MOM?" I start panicking, no I'm already at the end of it too. What am I gonna tell Mom? I HAVE THE GODDAMN CAR!!!
I start pacing through the wide hall of the library, thumping my feet hard so I might get a grip. All these scenarios start filling my head, what will I do? What am I gonna answer? Or what if we get caught? Shit, I didn't even think of that yet. They'll take away our keys, probably suspend us for a week or worse expel us. Shit, I get why Hermione Granger was overreacting over this so much. Oh my god, I can't breathe.
While amidst my very panicky panic attack, I feel two hands on my shoulders that pull me out of my trance. I find concerned eyes looking into mine, almost like glancing straight into my soul.
"Deep breaths Asha, deep breaths. Cmon, breathe with me okay, and focus on my eyes alright? One. Two. Slowly Asha. Yes, that's it. One. Two. Three. Hold, now release. One. Two. Three. Yes, great job."
I look into his eyes, filled with worry yet so gentle that I start focusing on them instead of my thoughts. The blue looks so much greyer now, like a thunderstorm brewing. Like they're in a deep turmoil of their own. ".... Two. Three. Good girl. Once more now, okay. Just keep looking into my eyes, okay? Focus...."
I start breathing as he says, one and two, and three. Hold and then exhale. One, two, and three. The more I breathe, the more aware I start to become of my surroundings. His hands on my shoulders are loose yet firm like they are rooting me into this world or bringing me back to reality. I can hear his breath on the top of my forehead, cold and steady to match my breathing with his own. I can feel my heart slow down, getting back to its normal rhythms.
I glance into his eyes once again, still swimming with worry and distress. "I'm alright......", I take a deep breath in, "I'm alright."
"Have you had panic attacks before?" He asks, his voice as calm as the evening wind.
I look down at my hands, subconsciously pulling at my fingertips. "No, not really."
I look up to catch a sigh of relief that escapes his lips. "How did you know what to do?"
He takes his hands off my shoulders and folds them behind his back. "I've had some experience..." Saying this, he turns his back towards me for a second before turning back around with a small smile on his lips.
He takes my hands in both of his, and slightly strokes them with his thumb that calms me down, "Don't worry alright, we'll be okay. We have enough cake to last a night, and I'm sure I have a water bottle somewhere in my bag. As for the bathroom..." he turns his head towards the plastic bag with the pates and the box of cake smashed in.
I glare at him through the corner of my eye, "I'm not peeing in a bag!!"
"What, I never even said a word", he says, chuckling his heart out. Only if looks could kill, James would be dead 100 times over just by my piercing orbs. Yeah okay, I'm never calling my eyes orbs again.

All The Way
Romance"- you definitely caused a show back there, Bonnie." "What?", I practically hiss at him. I'm too tired for all this bullshit. "Looks like someone is still not out of their bitchy mode yet. Serves you right for acting like a know-it-all every singl...