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A fire inside you, unextinguishable, one that eats you alive but keeps you running. A heat coursing through your veins that makes you want to do every impossible thing, that makes you go to unimaginable levels of self-destruction.  

Two students. Toppers, seeking academic validation, with a fire inside of them to take back control of their lives by winning the scholarship of their dreams and ceasing Class Valedictorian. In a race that's been going on for years, will these two find the true meaning of their lives while intertwining their fates?

Natasha Anne Jones is the fire that gives you warmth, is the flame that makes you feel cozy and at home. A heart of gold, with determination to earn herself a good life, embarking on a journey to earn a social image. 

Thomas James Alarie is the fire that scares you off. A flame so ablaze that engulfs you, burning you alive, inside and out. Cold to the world, broken beyond repair, trying to free himself of familial bonds and flying solo into the world. 

Will these kindred souls, with the same flaming cores ever uncover the true person behind their biggest rival? 

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