Insecurities - PG8

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"Are you fucking kidding me" you groaned. The little room was packed with players and you happened to be late exactly on this day. "Y/N, here" Robert waved at you. You saw your teammates, some were sitting on a chair, some on the floor, but even the floor was full, not even an empty space. "You can sit on Pedri's lap" Ansu suggested. "I...I'll find a place. Don't worry" you declined. You couldn't sit in his lap! People would think you're together.

The managers already started coming and you looked around panicked. "Just sit" Pedri groaned, pulling you on his lap. "Pedri it's fine—" "It's only half an hour. I can manage" he said, referring to your weight, which wasn't that great. He saw how your face dropped, but gave him a weak smile as the managers started talking. Pedri looked over to Lewa who shook his head. He knew he took a wrong step.

"Whaa—" you whispered when you felt Pedri moving you on his lap. "Sorry it's more comfortable like this" he said. You relaxed into him, his hands on your hips keeping your balance, so you wouldn't fall.

"Y/N wait" Pedri said as you quickly made your way out of the room, just wanting to go home. "I didn't mean it. I know you're struggling and I... I'm sorry. I was just trying to make a joke" he said. "It's fine" you replied curtly. "It's not. My mom always taught me to respect women and to not make them feel uncomfortable" he said and you smiled at the mention of his mom. And because he called you woman despite being the same age as him and not really feeling like one. "Can I give you a ride?" He asked and you nodded. You didn't have your driving license yet, so you were like Gavi. Speaking of Gavi... "What about Pablo? You're usually driving him" you said, walking to his car. "He's coming too. Is it okay?" He asked and you nodded.

Talking with Pablo made you forget about everything. He was such a funny guy to be around, you almost fell that Pedri was jealous. "So I know it's not polite to ask, but when are we going to see you play?" Pedri asked. "I don't know...maybe I'm not made for sports" you said. "That's not true. You're great!" Pablo tried to ease out the conversation. "We'll see. That's me. Thanks guys, see you around" you said, exiting the car.

"Y/N wait"
"For the second time today, Pedri" you chuckled, finding your key to unlock the door. "You don't need to feel ashamed because of your weight. And yes, if you feel like you're not made for this, just try something else. I remember you are talented at drawing" he said. "And painting, yes" you said, amazed how he remembered this little thing about you. "I think you just have to be brave to do this. Anything you do, you'll always have our support" he said. "Thanks Pedri. Means a lot. Goodnight".

"Tio have you seen this? Y/N is retiring from football" Pablo said. "Really? What are the reasons?" Pedri asked. "It's says in the informative note that she has some personal problems. And obviously people calling her a fat cow" he rolled his eyes. "We need to celebrate this one" Pedri said. "Maybe you, I have... dinner with my parents tonight. Bye".

"Pedri, what are you doing here?" You asked. "Came to see how you're doing after the news" he said and you welcomed him in your house. "I'm good. Turned my phone off and threw it in the back of my wardrobe. And started redecorating" you said excitedly. "Yeah? What do you want to do?" He asked and you went on explaining how you wanted to make a pairing room, start a YouTube channel and order a lot of supplies. "Never heard you talk about football like this" he chuckled. "Maybe this is my way" you shrugged. "You were so brave for doing this. I admire you" he said blushing. "But this doesn't mean I'll stop watching you guys" you said. "Well, I hope you'll also come to the stadium when you feel comfortable enough" he smiled. "Of course".

— time skip - 3 months —
You and Pedri haven't seen each other or talked for the last 3 months. You watched some of his games on tv while doing your work. Orders started to come in no time after you created social media account for your business.

A knock at your door interrupted you from painting. You weren't expecting anyone.

"Pedri?" You asked almost not believing he was in front of you holding a bouquet of flowers. "Hi, Y/N. It's good to see you" he smiled. You welcomed him, giving him a tour of your house, and then you made some tea. "So how's going?" He asked. "Pretty good. I have quite a lot of orders and guess what? PSG contacted me to do a portrait of Neymar, Messi and Mbappe. Isn't that awesome?" You said excitedly. "Of course it is. Why don't you do one of me?" He asked. "I... did. It was my first portrait" you said blushing hard. "Can I see it?". "Yes. But please don't laugh".

Pedri was absolutely mesmerised. The way you noticed all these things about him and you painted them. "It's so beautiful. I want to buy it" he said. "Pedri... you don't need to pay" you laughed. "But I want to. I want to support you" he said. "What do you like most about my portrait?" He asked, changing the subject. He'll pay for it anyways, but he didn't want to argue anymore. "I like the way I drew your lips because they are plump and pinkish and you fluffy hair, which really looks fluffy" you explained. "My lips huh? I also like yours" he whispered, pulling you closer to him. "Pedri...". "Y/N, I like you. Like really really like you" he said, pressing his lips to yours. "I like you too, Pepi".

Hope you like it 🫶🏻

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