Friend in need - FL32

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Since Pablo got injured, everyone did their best to help him in some way. Either cooking for him, either driving him places, just like your boyfriend. Some days he drive Pablo to the recovery sessions or sometimes he would bring him to dinner. Once he even stayed the night. You had a soft spot for Pablo, as a friend obviously, and you hated to see him barely being able to walk. His place was on the pitch, not wearing crutches.

"We're picking Y/N up from Uni" Fermin said as Gavi got ready. "And if you want—". "Yes!" Gavi said. "I didn't even finish the sentence" Fermin chuckled. "You wanted to invite me to dinner and I wouldn't miss it. Y/N is a great cook" he said. "I mean she's great in general" he added. "Not that I like her or anything just—". "It's okay, Pablo. Now let's go" Fermin said.

"Hi guys. How are you?" You asked, climbing into the back seat. You would usually greet Fermin with a kiss, but now you didn't feel like it. And not because of Gavi. "I'm good. Recovery is okay" Gavi replied while your boyfriend drove home. "You're staying for dinner?" You asked and Gavi nodded. You forced a smile, but all you wanted to do is cuddle with your boyfriend and tell him how shit that day was for you.

"And then I changed my profile picture 5 times because I was so bored" Gavi said. "And I still don't know which one to choose. What do you think Y/N?" He asked, but you drifted off in some sort of way. "Y/N?" Fermin asked, noticing your weird mood. "Huh?" You asked. "Do you think I should change my profile picture?" Gavi asked. "I don't know, Pablo. If you want to. If you excuse me" you said, going upstairs and leaving the two boys confused. "Is she okay?" Gavi asked Fermin who was shaking his head. "I hope it's not because of me. I can stop coming over if—". "It's not you, Gavi. She loves you around. I think it's stress again. She barely ate something" he said, looking over your almost untouched plate. "But she's smart, why is she stressing that much?" Gavi asked puzzled. "I have no idea. I wish I could do something for her" Fermin said. "Like a date or something?" Gavi asked. "Yeah. We haven't been out in like forever" Fermin said. "Leave it to me" Gavi grinned. "Will I regret this? Probably" Fermin sighed. "No, you won't. I promise. I'll send you the details later".

"Gavi invited us for dinner" Fermin said. "I'm not sure I can go" you said, nose deep in your books. "Baby, you need to take a break. Come on, Gavi is your best friend too" he said, hugging you from behind. "I don't know... I'm not feeling like going out". "Please? For Gavi?" Fermin asked. "Okay... but we don't stay very much" you said, closing your books. "Promise".

"He invited us over and he's not even at home. What kind of prank is that?" You asked annoyed. "Ah he thought about leaving us a note. How nice of him" you muttered.

In the garden is a plant
You won't get it till you pant

"I think it's a scavenger hunt" Fermin said. "A plant? He had thousands of plants. And it's dark outside" you groaned. This is exactly what you didn't need. "A plant... maybe something weird" Fermin said, looking around the front yard of his friend's house. "Does it have to be real?" You asked, joining him. "What do you mean?" He asked and you pointed to a very weird plant, covered in graffiti. "I guess not" he said as you made your way to it and found another note. "Ha! We didn't even pant bitch" you said.

If you listen to me
You'll find the key
I don't really like surf
But I'd watch the Smurf

"He's really creative with this one" you admitted. "Maybe he copied it from somewhere" Fermin joked. "Probably" you giggled. So, you started searching the Smurf in his garden with the light from your phones. "It's here" you said as Fermin ran up to you. "And where's the key?" You asked. "I think it's inside" he said. "Do we have to break it? It's too cute" you asked. "If we want to find the key, yes" Fermin said. "No! I want to do it" you said. "But you just said it's too cute" he said. You took the Smurf and smashed it on the ground. "It's cute, but I need the key. Sorry" you laughed, taking the key and the note. "I'll stuck this key up his ass if I find another bullshit note" you said. "No violence please" Fermin said, following you.

In the backyard
Something's waiting for you
Thank me later
Both of you ;)

"Yep, I'll thank him stuffing this key up—". "Okaaaay let's go in the back" Fermin said. "Yes, definitely stuffing—". "Love is in the air" Fermin read the note on the door that you unlocked with the key. "I'm stuffing— woah! He did this?" You asked, stopping in your tracks. "I guess so". "He needs a girlfriend asap. We have to find him one" you said.

"And he's not here? I thought we were all having what the heck is this" you said

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"And he's not here? I thought we were all having what the heck is this" you said. "It's only for us" Fermin said. "He saw how sad you were and he wanted to do something for us. As a thank you for everything we did for him" he explained. "This is so romantic. Are you sure it's a Gavi thing?" You asked. "Well, he doesn't have a girlfriend so we don't know if he's romantic or not. Come on, let's sit" he said, helping you sit on one of the pillows. "That's why we need to find him one" you said. "Don't tell me you don't like it". "I like it, but... I didn't know my bad mood affected him that much" you said. "It did. And me as well. We used to tell each other things like this" he said, taking your hand in his. "I know... I miss that" you said, hiding your face into his neck. "That's okay...let everything out" he said softly as he felt your tears on his neck. "I'm sorry... should've told you" you sniffed. "I'm sorry too. I wasn't the best boyfriend in the past months" he said, rubbing your wet cheek. "I got caught up with football and I... forgot about you. I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again" he said. "It's not like I would have broken up with you, dummy. And I understand you and your life. If I couldn't do it, I would have said no the moment you asked me if I wanted to be your girlfriend" you said. "I was nervous when I asked you" he admitted. "Why?". "I don't know. Felt like you deserved better" he shrugged. "You're the best for me, Fermin. I wouldn't want anyone else" you said, pecking his cheek. "That's what Gavi told me. Said he saw how you looked at me, with heart-eyes" he teased. "I think that was you, mister. Speaking of Gavi, I have to thank him for this" you said as you picked up a chocolate covered strawberry and ate it. "That's what friends are for, no?" He said. "Yep. Friends and an amazing boyfriend" you said, pecking his lips. "You taste like strawberries".

Later into the evening, Gavi made an appearance too. "Where were you, little shit?" You asked laughing. "Upstairs, watching the most beautiful love story" he fake sniffed. "Thank you so much, Gavi. I'm so lucky to have a friend like you" you said, hugging him. "I was nervous about this, but it was perfect" Fermin said. "You can always count on me guys" he winked. "Oh yeah, I need to stuff that key up your ass, Gavira" you said darkly. "Umm first of all, I have something to do right now, and second, Fermin has a better ass for that byeee" he said, turning on his heels and walking as fast as he could into the house. "That's true. You really have a better ass" you said, turning in your boyfriend's arms. "Really? Since when do you check out my ass?" He smirked. "Since we started dating" you shrugged, squeezing it softly. "Hey! Leave my ass alone" he laughed. "Okay..." you pouted, arms going around his neck. "Okay, you can touch it in private" he said, pecking your lips. "You can touch mine too" you smirked. "I was planning to" he said, before kissing you deeply.

Hope you like it 🥰
I really need to write a story about Fermin's ass 🍑 IT'S MASSIVE

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