'We dont do funny business'

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This I written in a story format so yea to not confuse you. Still stan pov btw.

I woke up feeling much better than yesterday I actually felt sober for once in a while and thank goodness I did because I was meeting with Kyle today. Ugh what's that sound . Y'know what I'm checking it out I head downstairs to see my mom cleaning up the house. Uh-oh..

"Hey Stan will you help me?" My mom said in a nice happy tone. What am I going to say??? It's only 10:40! "Stanley?"

"Um... I can't sorry I have to go met up with someone soon and I have to, ummm. Get ready?"

"Okay baby just be careful" my mom said waving at me. I hurried to my room and sat there. I finally got ready and threw on my normal outfit; Brown jacket, Blue and red hat, Blue jeans and my black shoes. I also wore a black grayish shirt underneath my jacket. I headed downstairs and went outside realizing it's only 11:00. I went back down to Starks pond and sat down while I put on my headphones. Tired by Beabadoobee came on not my favorite but I guess I'll listen. I felt like I was being watched after half an hour; I quickly turned to see nobody. "What the fuck is that feeling.. ugh of course it's ruined for me." I got up and walked back home to wait out the rest of the time. It was 12:30 and I decided to head out for Tweak Bros. I made it there at around 1:15. I took off my headphones and heard a ding from my phone.

Kyle: Where are you?

Me: I just got here let me go inside.

Kyle: Okay I'm towards the front side of the store.

Me: Okay thanks.

I headed in the store looking for Kyle. "Hey S- Stan" I heard from Tweek.

"Hey Tweek." I said not wanting to talk until I find Kyle.

"Let m-me know w-when yo- you need som-thing" Tweek said trying to be polite.

"Okay I will" I finally saw Kyle and walked over to him. "hey." I was nervous but also exited, "I have to hide the emotion" I causally sat down like we haven't been fighting recently.

"Hey umm Stan." Kyle said looking.. disappointed?

"Something wrong?" I said while getting comfortable. I honestly looked pretty chill.

"Nothings wrong. Isn't it pretty obvious?"

"Not really."


"Okay. What did you want to talk about?" "It can't be that bad"

"The other uhh day." "What could possibly be wrong with him??" I let my mind wander over that question until I heard talking. But it wasn't Kyle. "Who could be talking?" I look away from the wall and "zoned back in" BRUH- WHAT THE FUCK WAS KENNY AND BUTTERS DO-

"Uhhhhhh" Kenny made the noise "Stan?? You there??"

"yup" I said in a tired sounding voice. Kenny pulled out his phone and started to type; I noticed Kyle turned his phone on silent. "What are you doing?" They both looked up from their phones and stare at me like I dumb.
"Nevermind.." Butters stared at Kenny's phone as Kyle starts to type back. "I'm not stupid they are clearly texting about me.. I'm so done with today" I thought completely by accident. I stood up and started to leave but footsteps followed me and grabbed my wrist. "ow." I said quietly. I turned to see Kyle with a worried expression. I rolled my eyes.

Stans problem *style angst*Where stories live. Discover now