Closes enough

194 2 2

*not much talking at the start*

I looked at my hands. I was in a dark grey t-Shirt. I started at my wrist this time. No bandages. Did nobody notice? I hope Kyle or Craig didn't. I laid down and fell asleep. I woke up to banging on my door. "WAKE UP STANLEY!" Oh my mom. I got ready and skipped breakfast. I walked outside to the but stop with no jacket. We all still had school because. "We didn't get enough school in" a bunch of students did bad on their finals and we had to ALL go back. I hated it. We only had 2 more weeks left though. I made it to the bus stop. I felt my wrist. I got weirded out by the texture and put my hand down. Kyle was there so was Eric but not Kenny. I stood by Kyle not making eye contact. Eric walked over to me and gave me a high five while greeting me. I said hello back and touched to side of my face that hurt. He walked over to his spot again after Kyle got mad for him coming over. I blushed at Kyle's mad face, HE LOOKS SO CUTE. Oh yeah right. I looked forward again putting hands against my chest remember the kid. My past self.

"I love you still kid." I whispered acting like he was listening to me. Kyle looked at my not moving his head. I looked back with my hands still on my chest. "What?" I stared at him. He looked away. I sighed now putting my hands on my sides. I heard a gasp and I rolled my eyes. The bus came and we all got on it. All the kids starting to laugh as I walked to the back. Tears filled my eyes. I'm class people pointed and laughed. They stared at me in class laughing. The whole day was like that. Lunch came. I decided to not get lunch with all those kids. I wanted to sit outside. I looked for a way to not be see while walking in the lunch room. I couldn't find a way so I walked just about in front of everyone. People laughed and pointed and stared. I ran out of there. Thank god for track. I got out of there in a few seconds. I sat down outside the door. I feel down and pulled my legs to my chest. I cried. Sobbed. I waited until the bell and ran to my next class. I sat down in the back with head down hat pulled over my face.

The end of the day came and I ran out of school skipping the bus. I ran to the park. I pulled out a notebook on the bench and began writing. I wrote a note to Kyle, mom, dad, Shelly, Craig and his gang, eric, Kenny and butter. I only wrote to Craig and his gang because I needed to explain the reason I couldn't fight, and that I was "busy". Tears fell on my hands as I put my notebook up. I headed to my house. I went in my room and fell asleep thinking. Only 5 days left. I smiled and went to sleep again. I woke up the next day. I snuck out because everyone was sleeping. I got in the car and drove off to a cliff. I went to the edge and sat down. I loved feeling like I'm going to fall. The sun started to rise and I sat there to watch it. I put headphones on and started to blast the good music i like. I started to hum them. I stood up after the sun rose and I went back to the car. I sat there wondering what I should do with my time left. I'm going to have a good time. I dug for money and pulled out a good 40 bucks (i have no idea where he keeps getting money🤷‍♀️) i went to a place to eat. Perfect. I parked and pulled my phone out and went to the camera. The bruises aren't that bad. The cuts are red though. I sighed and walked inside and got seated. I ordered some breakfast. When I get home im taking a shower my hair is greasy as fuck. I kept my smile through that thought. I ate my breakfast alone. I only had a few days until they would be alone. I payed and gave the nice lady a 10 dollar tip and left. I drove home. I sat down on my bed for a minute then got up to take a shower. I locked the bathroom door and got the water ready. I took off my shirt and looked in the mirror... is.. that. Me? I stared at my chest seeing the bruises and cuts there. I had a bunch. Oh man no wonder i felt bad. I hopped in the shower after i finished staring at myself.


I got dressed and sat down again on my bed. Hmmm what should i do now... Oh i know! I searched my room for my fake I.D. Tonight will be cool man. Thank goodness i know the people that own the place. I stood up and went to the door downstairs. "Where are you going?" I froze I forgot about my family.

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