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I awoke to drips of water. I was freezing cold,in fact I was shivering. God I'm soaking wet and cold, maybe I should head home. What time is it? The sun hadn't risen yet so it had to be pretty early. It's only 4:24 oh my god. The rain started to pick up. I slipped my jacket on once again since it fell off. I put my headphones up in my pocket with my phone. I stood up and sat back down immediately. My vision had gone black. God my head is pounding. I stood up once more taking more pain killers and chugging the rest of my water. I walked towards the houses. I wouldn't be able to make it home but I need a place to stay. I sighed. I headed to see Kenny's house. God I was really far away.. I headed there and knocked on the door. Karen opened it up.

"Yes?" She said tiredly.

"Umm is Kenny there?"

"Oh yea he just got back let me go get." She didn't finish her sentence. I sighed sitting down next to the door and almost fell asleep.

"Hello??" Kenny looked outside to a black abyss.

"Kenny!" I stood up quickly and had to lean against the wall for support. "Hey bud you got an umbrella or something. Or can I stay with you?"

"The fuck are you doing outside right now?"

"Well me and Kyle went to a park talked for a bit, then he left and I fell asleep." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Why don't you head back to your house?"

"It's to far away.." I sighed then stopped realizing my breath still would smell like I drank. "Look you got a car I could borrow, I'll give it back tomorrow."

"It's a school night." He tried to shut the door but I put my foot in the way.

"I know but atleast tell me goodnight Jesus Christ!"

"Okay, Marsh have a goodnight!" He slammed the door.

"Thanks!" I screamed. I pulled out my phone and called an Uber. I got in and got dropped off next to my neighborhood. "Thanks dude here." I gave him the rest of my money. I walked down the streets till I found my house. I saw my mom and dad sitting there. Well my dad was asleep. My mom on the other hand was wide awake waiting..

"STAN MARSH WHERE WERE YOU?!" My mom had yelled waking up dad.

"N-nowhere.." my voice was hurt but I didn't care. Screw them! My mom sighed.

"do it hunny." My dad stood up not sure of what he was going to do. He got in front of me and.... SLAPPED ME ACROSS THE FACE! My face was hurting really bad after the slap and my eyes teared up. I looked at his hand. It was.. red. Tears came streaming down my face.

"I-w-" I stuttered. "FUCK YOU GUYS" tears pouring down my face now. "FUCK YALL, YOU UGLY BITCHES!" I ran outside ugly crying. I sat down at the end of the street. A place where they couldn't see me but I could see them. I pulled out my phone. 4:58.. I was getting soaked. It was storming and I was crying. I tried stopping many times but I couldn't. I just cried. For hours on end. I 'woke up' from my sobbing. I looked at my phone as an alarm went off. '7:00 am, time to get ready for school.' That's what it said. I stood up and snuck in my room. I changed, grabbed my stuff. Including my tooth brush and tooth paste. I bolted outta there. Well, out my window. I landed on my butt, that hurt really bad. I winced. I looked at myself in my camera on my phone. The slap had left a slap bruise. (it's real. It's a bruise that is a red mark that can last for awhile) ugh. I checked the time again. 7:23. I headed out to the bus stop. My eyes were dry, my head pounding, my face hurting. Tears filled my eyes again. I wiped them away with my sleeves. It was still cold so crying would do me no good. Last night was cold too, I couldn't tell if I was shivering or not but I think the crying kept me warm, not sure though. I get to my spot at the bus stop. I pulled my hat down a bit to cover my face.

"Stan?" Kyle said quietly and gently.

"Y-yeah?" I hid my face from him. The slap mark was still hurt.

"How was your night?" He tried to be positive. Tears filled my eyes and a lump in throat formed.

"Perfe." Tears fell down my face. "Perfect, you." I don't finish before the tears fell down quicker. "Yours?"

"g..good." He sighed. He grabbed my shoulder carefully and turned me. I faced away still as I started to sob. "Stan?" I didn't respond. "Stan." I ignored his voice. "Stan!" I cried harder but it was silent. "STAN MARSH-" I bursted out sobbing. She had called me that. She screamed at me in that tone. I fell down on my knees just crying, ugly crying, bawling. I couldn't deal with it anymore. I cried for 10 minutes before anyone arrived. I ignored Kyle's voice trying to figure out what's wrong but when I heard foot steps I stood up an wiped my face clean. The bus arrived and we all got on it. Kyle grabbed my hand a pulled me towards the back of the bus. My face was hot and my eyes were burning. "Dude. What happened?" Tears filled my eyes again as I stared out the window. I know me and my parents didn't get along, at all, and I didn't get the way the cared for me. But this? I sighed knowing that it was bound to happen sooner or later. What if I go home later and it happens again? "Stan?" I sighed once more. I explained what happened but not really what happened at home. I just said that we had started to fight and I left. That didn't explain the slap mark though. I now felt sorry for Butters. Sorry for all the times we bullied him. For all the times he got grounded or beat. I felt sorry that he never had a good childhood. I blacked out the whole day. I finally went home. I snuck in my room again putting my stuff up. I packed a small bag with stuff that could last me a night. I pulled out the extra food I had from lunch and put it in a bag. I left my room. I went down to the park again, I sat under a few trees halfway asleep wondering why I had even went out that night, why I hadn't just stayed in. I heard foot steps getting closer.

"Hey. I told you this wasn't over didn't I?" I uncovered my face and stared at Craig with Tweek behind him.

"I know," I paused not knowing what to say.

"Okay well as you know me and Tweek are great fighters sooo." His monotone voice didn't match that sentence but whatever.

"You wanna fight me?" I acted shocked even though I wasn't surprised the tinyest but.

"Yeah dumbass you fought my friend time to get you back." He snapped his fingers and the rest of his gang appeared expect for Tolkien. They all got in a line, more like a curve around me. I was stuck with a tree behind me and four guys surrounding me.

"L-look. This is an unfair fight. Let's not!"

"You did an unfair fight! Our turn!" Clyde said.

"Come on Crybaby you can't be talking!" I did a gesture while saying that. I'm guessing he saw my slap bruise on my face. He just stared at my cheek. "WHAT!" I yelled punching him in his stomach. I got on top of him and started to punch him. The rest of the people tried pulling me off and managed after a minute but not before he got cuts and a black eye. Tweek held me back while Craig kept punching me. They finally just banged my head on a tree over and over again. I guess they had called there would be a fight because kids kept showing up. Some people pointed and laughed while joining me. Others stared blankly. I dropped to the ground and got kicked over and over again. Tears were forming but I blinked them away. They picked me up again and the last sight that I saw was Kyle, Eric, Kenny, and Butters looking at me. I smiled halfway and blacked out.
Words: 1464
I know this is bad. Just go along with it I didn't plan out this chapter very good. I'll try to make the next chapter better and longer too. I gtg to bed it's 11:25 pm for me and I have state testing tmr goodnight :3

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