Almost rest time.

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I continue to drive home after that meeting and right when I got home I felt miserable. I felt sick and I was going to throw up. I headed inside not even going to drag my dad in. When I walked inside I saw my mom. "Where have you been mister?"

"Taking your husband home." He walks in as soon as I said that. He was drunk all hell. I walked up to my room.

"Where do you think you're going." My mom says to me. "Get back down here!" I sigh and walk back downstairs. "Why where you even out and about at night!"

"I was with my friends!" I say back defending myself from her. Randy walks up to her and looks at her.

"He was by the bar, he picked me up" His words slur as he told my mom that and I panicked as I was sitting on the stairs only halfway up the wall was only covering my face.

"Why in the world were you there Stanley!" My mom screams. Of course she would be mad at me.

"I wasn't! I just saw dad and thought he needed help! M friends all had to leave anyway!"

"I'm not believing that! You probably were drinking!"

"But I wasn-"

"Go to your room! You're grounded until next month!" I sigh and head up to my room. It's not like anything would matter in a few days anyways. I walk in my room and gently shut the door. I look at the calendar and see the end of the month coming closer and closer. Two days. I can make it two days. I take off my shoes and coat laying them at a random spot. I put on some sweatpants and a random shirt. I lay down in my bed. Okay today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday. The Sunday is the last day. I have a fight on Sunday night at 8:30 or something. I can't remember. I'm sure he'll remind me anyways. I'm busy that day. Or that night. Should I get started on the letters... maybe tomorrow.

I sigh and roll on my side facing my window looking at the night sky. I look at it for a moment then roll on my other side. I face the door. The hallway light peeking through the crack around the door. That light was always to bright for me a night I couldn't stand it. I roll onto my back and look at the ceiling. Nothing is wrong there. Nothing happened there... that will be my last memory. I look at the texture on it. I close my eyes and roll on my front side and put my head to the side falling asleep.

I woke up the next morning to banging on the door and my mom walked in still mad. She told me something I can't remember but her my dad and Shelly left. I was alone again. I sighed then stretched and went to brush my teeth. Then I looked in the mirror. The person back at me looked dead I rubbed my eyes then ran to the toilet and threw up. I maybe had one to many drinks last night. After a little bit I took medicine and drank some coffee. I put on my headphones turned on some music and went walking around.

I wanted to talk to my 'close' friend, Kyle. He was the only person that I want to see. I needed to tell him I'm not going to be here next year. "Should I tell him? Yes. He had to know." I looked around for Kyle's house, and when I found it I took a few deep breaths but that didn't calm down the nerves going in my stomach. I felt like I was going to puke up everything I ate. Ever. I walked up to the door still nervous and knocked. The first knock was hesitant the ones that followed after were better. I waited a minute. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. I got more nervous. "Maybe he doesn't want to talk.. what did I do?? Ugh I can't remember!" I took a deep breath and knock one last time, his mom answered.

"Hey Stan!" She smiled at me. "Sorry Kylbe here for a few days. Him and his dad went on a trip." My heart sank. I was devastated. I couldn't say goodbye. This is bad!

"Okay.. thank you have a nice ti-day!" I put on a half smile and walk off my body was giving up. "I can't do it anymore. This is bad. I need to go home start the notes. Ugh. Okay." I hurry off to my house running and my mom and dad get a little shocked and try to tell me not to run in the house. I don't listen my emotions are taking over again and I run up the stairs in my room. I was done with this life I couldn't do it anymore! I grabbed the note book flipping through the pages where I wrote letters to Kyle but never sent them.  I was going to write a good bye note. "Nobody else deserves one. Maybe my parents. Nah they don't need one. Okay I need to write this!"


I was done writing I grabbed my hat off my head revealing my black hair that I had recently died back. I got a box set up for him and wrote one big letter to everyone else. I was done. I needed to clean up and maybe uncover the scars. This is going to be the best day of my life tomorrow!


Words: 945

WHY DID THIS TAKE FOREVER?? because I've been unmotivated and shit. Sorry. I'll update the next and maybe last chapter asap. Bye love you guys🩷🩷

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