Messed up

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Stan's pov still.
"Well, your turn." I said staring at Kyle. He looked at me like I was insane. "You promised" I said like I was halfway crying. The truth is that it was upsetting the amount of times I had people break promises; but I should've pushed them. I didn't care for the situation after he told me. I looked at my phone. "4:38 Jesus man my mom is going to kill me if I don't get back in time!" "Please just think of something" I tried to get him to tell my something so I could leave already.

"Oh. Well I uh.." Kyle feel silent probably realizing he had nothing to say, at least to me.

"Y-you guys do-done" Tweek said.

"No can you ummmm get my another coffee please?" I asked as I heard Craig walked in I was going to smile but I didn't want to make him mad considering Tweek would panic.

"Su-sure!" Tweek said while walking away to make it.

"What are y'all doing here." Craig said staring at me mainly. "And you didn't you get into a fight?" He was looking at me.

"Me?" I stared carefully at him to show no emotion towards him. I didn't want him to know I was mad at his group of friends or that he heard about the incident with Tolkien. It's not my fault he was talking bad about me. Plus my dad paid my 200 bucks (160.84 pounds) to beat him up.

"Yes dumbass." His monotone voice was not nice to hear or be around at all.

"What fight?" I started to get mad I didn't want him to make me feel bad about something.

"With my friend." He started to get mad at me, "the fuck is he going to do?"


"Don't call me dude."

"Okay fine. Craig can we talk about this later please?" I smiled at him with a 'mean' smile I don't know. He nodded knowing what I meant and left to go to Tweek; to bad Tweek gave me coffee and I thanked him. "Anyways" I sighed. "What were you going to say Kyle?"

"I don't know." Kyle "let me continue thinking."

"Okay." I couldn't believe he hadn't thought of anything yet I mean he might not wanna tell me nothing; but he told me everything and I told him everything when we where in middle school. Maybe it's too late I mean we're juniors in Highschool. I sighed. "You thought of something?" I asked after a minute still stuck on the idea that he wasn't close anymore.

"No Stan like I said give me a bit to think."


"No buts just a little longer." Wow that is so nice I'll never get to know him again. Or at least all the way.

Flashback to 7th grade.

I was sitting there with my headphones on, on a staircase slightly singing songs I know. Then Kyle walks up. "Umm hey dude" he waved at me, the fuck? I'm not even going to question it.

"H-hey" I kinda blushed he had a smile, his perfect smile. His beautiful green eyes. UGHHHH. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing I need to talk to you." What the- his smile faded and his green eyes turned dull.

"About what?" I tried to think about what I did. We haven't had the chance to hangout in a week. Stupid parents. "You can't hang out with your buddy Kyle all the time people will think you're, y'know.. funny." Yeah dad of course he's the reason for this. He ruins everything.!

"About that, how um.. how do I put this." Kyle was stuttering a lot of his words. Why do I have to have a crush on him I mean I like EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM JESUS. "Well can I sit down?" 

"Oh did I do it again?" I asked only to make sure I hadn't missed anything.

"Yeah.. but it's okay all I asked was to sit down." He smiled his reassuring smile. I blushed a little more. "Umm." I realized my headphones where blasting music. Of course it was the song Sarcasm. I turned my music off and said sorry. "So we haven't been hanging out in a while so I was wondering.. are we still super best friends?"

"I- yes.?" My voice cracked when I said that, he didn't think we were super best friends anymore. "Look I'm sorry my dad hasn't let us hangout anymore, but next week we can if you want to.. okay?"

"Stan. You say this but then you go get drunk or cry all day and then need me! I'm just saying if you follow through the plan about talking to me again I'll stay friends with you." Tears filled my eyes. He wasn't going to be friends with me?

"oh. Okay I will." My voice had the sound of sadness but just a little. He walked away and I put my headphones on again this time not one word slipped out my lips

End of flashback
"Stan?" Kenny said after a second, but I didn't look. "Stan." I was still focusing on my thoughts for a minute. "STAN!" Kenny finally screamed at me. I finally noticed that my phone was going crazy.

"Um. Can I answer it?" I finally say realizing my mom.

"YES!" Kenny screamed.

"Y-yes mom?" I was pretty scared because they will lock me up in my room if I'm to late.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS YOUNG MAN?!" My mom screamed so loud that my friends looked at me with concerned look.

"No ma'am i haven't checked recently"


"Yes ma'am.." i sighed and hung up not wanting to deal with it. "Sorry guys I gotta..."

"Who was that?" Kyle asked me.

"My mom.." i started to cry as i stood up I grabbed my coffee and start to walk away. "Bye guys!" My voice cracked on the last word. I walked home and got home around 5:30. I'm going to die right now.. better enter the house now. "H-hey m-mom."


"I k-know."


"O-okay." I sighed and walked up there. I pulled out my note book and started to write a note at my desk by a window. I saw Kyle walk to his house. He looked at my window for a sec and then walked inside. "i swear if dad was here I would be fine" i whispered and got back to writing.

Words: 1107

Stans problem *style angst*Where stories live. Discover now