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Kyle's pov now :D
What's all that noise?? I walked up to my window in the living room and looked at Stan's house. Oh. My. God. Is that his mom?! I looked around in his driveway to see if his dad was there. Nope. Of course. She's only worried he's just going to get grounded. She is just making sure that he is fine.. right? Yeah.

"STAN MARSH GET DOWN HERE NOW!" My mom screamed for me. I put up my notebook and pencil hiding them. I stood up realizing how hyper I was. God damn I gotta move. I quickly made my way downstairs. "Stan there you are." My mom started acting calm. I looked around to see nobody else. Shit. "You okay? I was just worried that you got kidnapped or something. I tried to check your location but it wasn't popping up. I'm glad you're okay though. Right, are you okay?"

"I'm fine mom, I just didn't check the time I was hanging out with old friends." I chuckled a little bit to lighten up the mood. She grabbed my arms tightly and gave me a look. She tightened her grip every few seconds. It just hurt so bad. All I could think is that she knows. She grabbed them to hard and.. "OW JESUS CHRIST MOM!"  I covered my mouth right after it slipped out. I SWEAR TO FUCKING CHRIST MAN!

"Stan.." my mom's eyes filled with tears as she asked my to roll up my sleeves. I did. as I was told and all she did was gasp and run to my room. She searched and searched for an hour. I grabbed my phone and headphones and left the house. I saw Kyle peeking through his window. What's up with that? Best not bother. I walked down until I made it to Starks pond. I heard walking behind me but didn't bother to look. I really didn't care. The walking got closer but I turned my music up and closed my eyes. Someone tapped me on my shoulder.

"AH WHAT THE FUCK!" Is all I said before my mouth was covered.

"Shut up would you!" It was Kyle he had sat next to me but I didn't notice. "I didn't mean to scare you but your mom is looking for you. Also, what was all that screaming about? I heard her shout and then you screamed in pain and walked out after an hour?" He looked concerned.

"Nothing much she just.. wellll ummm.." I stuttered to find the right words without telling him. "She kinda just.. found out about something bad." Shoot I never put the notebook in my book sack. I had only put it in my desk drawer. Ugh it's too late but she better not tell.

"I know you don't have to tell me but.. we where really close as kids so I thought you could tell me what she found out about." He smiled. I have to get rid of these feelings. "Stan?!"

"Oh sorry dude. Zoned out for a second." "Anyways I can't really tell you it's personal. I'm sorry"

"It's fine." He sighed and got up. "Bye Stan." He looked kinda disappointed. Aw come on... I do this to everyone. I suck. I got up too wondering if my mom needed me. I ran past Kyle and all the way to my house no break. I breathed in and out trying to catch my breath at my door step. I saw Kyle walk up to his house after a minute. He just sighed. I walked inside after a few minutes. Dad was there? And Shelly too?? I walked up to my room only just now feeling the tears on my face. I hadn't gotten a good looks at their faces. What am I going to say or do when I have to go downstairs.

"We can't just let him not have any friends, I would say let him hang out with people for any amount of time as long as he returns home." My dad was talking about me but it was hard to make out because of the muffling.

Stans problem *style angst*Where stories live. Discover now