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Stan's pov
"Oh that nothing much just my.." I nervously thought. What? What? Oh I know! "My friends birthday! Yeah I need to ship a package to them a week before so that's what I circled it for!"

"Woah, kinda weird that's it's at the end but the month."

"Yea that's how the dates lined up, kinda funny!" I laughed I'm not sure if it was real or not, probably not. I didn't really care, it sounded real to me.

"yea that's pretty funny." He didn't really laughed. "Well," he stood up "I'm was just here to say that you can talk to me, and maybe not hurt yourself y'know. Text you later!" He walked away and shut my door. I mean i wasn't intentionally trying to hurt myself.. it's fine they just care for me! I stood up and went downstairs to get some food, i stopped about halfway down the stairs. "Mrs.Marsh please just listen, i"

"No! I'm not saying it again! He doesn't have anything that you need to know! Leave!" What the fuck was that about? I looked to see.

"Bu-but he has a friend right?" Kyle was tearing up??

"its none of your business."

"oh come on he has to have one!"

"Leave this house Kyle or I'm calling your mom!" I heard foot steps, the door opening and slammed shut. I headed down the rest of the stairs.

"Hey mom." I grabbed an apple,

"Sleeves." She said in a monotone voice. I rolled them up and was glad I didn't do it on my arms.. "good, would you want to go to your dad's farm next weekend and help out?" We didn't live on the farm anymore, the first summer we did Kyle and Eric left to summer camp or some shit, they missed out on my singing. I guess I still do it but that time was pretty rough. "Sweetie?" Oh right.

"No thanks i just wanna rest." I yawned and sped ran out of there. I went in my room opened my window realizing how hot it was in there, and picked up my guitar. I played a few notes to find the right one and wrote it down on a piece of blank sheet paper. I did that for about an hour and came up with a melody. I played over and over again to make sure it matches up with the words. "Perfect!" I write the other parts that would match up with my part. "Okay I'm finally done!" I turn my phone off of silent and look at my messages. Hm nothing, whatever.. i sighed and put my guitar up. I'm going to sleep. I laid down, but I got to hot. Ugh! I got up and turned my fan on. I laid back down, but I still was to hot! I took of my shirt and put on some shorts. Guess what? I WAS STILL HOT! i got up and since it was 11:27 i got dressed and walked downstairs grabbed a few beers and chugged 2 and put 3 in my book sack. I left on out putting my brown and red jacket around my waist, i checked my phone for the temp, 25 degrees outside perfect! I walked out the door with the beer in my hand I soon as i walked out Kyle's porch light turn on? What the fuck?? I continued to walk down the street taking sips every so often, i heard a door open and close. Nah dude imma about to leave. I looked behind me. KYLE?! I drank the rest of the beer and put them in a random trash can. He walked up to me.

"Hey dude?" He questioned

"Oh, h-hey?" I giggled but I tasted my mouth. Ew my breathe probably smells like alcohol... i sighed away from his face.

"What is that smell, gross!" He put his hand on his nose.

"I don't know could be anything" i shrugged my shoulders.

"NOW ITS STRONGER!!" He screamed halfway. I blocked my mouth walking faster now. "Where are you going?"

"I don't know.." i sighed still hurrying.

"Dude it's freezing out here, I'm not leaving until you go back inside!"

"Okay looks like you're stuck with me." I reached in my pocket to see if I put more money in there. 32.39, why do i have 39 cents? I don't even know, but 32 dollars is good! I shoved it back in my pocket and continued to walk.

"What is that money for?"

"I was going to grab some water, you want anything?" I saw the store getting more and more into my vision.

"I don't know let me see what they have."Kyle pulled out his phone and I guess I wasn't think but I snatched it and turned it off. "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"Your mom is going to see your location" i walked inside the store and he followed me. I went to the bathroom and washed my face off a bit. I grabbed some water and a bottle of pain killers. He grabbed some energy drink with a bottle of water.

"That all for you guys?" I know that voice from somewhere, i looked up at the person. Kenny?! "Hello, Stan. Kyle could you get him for me?" He sounded tired.

"He'll be back in a minute, just wait." Kyle said proudly. I looked up at Kenny again.

"Yeah how much?"

"TOLD YOU!" Kyle laughed. Ow my head hurts so bad!

"Shut up Kyle of course you would know! Anyways Stan that's 14.49, would you like to add a tip?" I stared blankly, rubbed my eyes,

"Could you repeat that?"

"14.49 would you like to add a tip?"

"S-sure how about a 20% tip? 17.39 right?" I sighed after i said that.


"Here ya go." I handed him an extra 10 bucks knowing my parents would pay me more later. "Keep the extra" i smiled at him and walked away with the stuff in a bag. Kyle followed me outside after a minute. "There." I tossed him his stuff I stood up and walked to the park. I sat on a bench leaning back. I took out the water and chugged half of it while taking some medicine.

"Dude you should go get some rest..." Kyle touched my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. I felt burning hot and looked away letting the cold melt that feeling away. Kyle sat there for about 2 and a half hours talking to me about random stuff. I was really drunk so I didn't say much of anything. He got up. "Bye Stan, call me in the morning okay?"

"Yep" i yawned. He left and i finally felt the cold. I slipped my jacket on and got into a ball on. I put on my headphones turning my music and fell asleep....

Words: 1150
OMG I NEVER THOUGHT I'D FINISH THIS CHAPTER I HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT :3 anyways it's 1:30 good night! It's short too sorry about that!

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