Chapter 2

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    I could hear the voices of my classmates as I burst into the door of homeroom. My first subject.

    They all lowered their voices at the sight of me and stood up from the tables and took their seats on their chairs. It's ridiculous, you give these snobby rich kids a chair and they sit on the table. I don't see the point on that in any angle. I swear.

    I kept a straight face as I walked down the aisle but inwardly I'm thanking all the saints that Mrs. Carter wasn't in the room yet.

    "Inggrid!" Trevor exclaimed. We had been friends since middle school. He is part of the basketball varsity and he stands as vice president at the student body but of course, he doesn't act like it.

    I let out an exhausted sigh as I sat between Trevor and Autumn.

    "Traumatized enough students for the week?" Trevor plopped his elbow on his desk and planted his chin on his palm in act of wonder.

    I groaned in response still thinking about the Craig incident earlier. We've been wholeheartedly ignoring eachother for almost four years now since that night in freshman year when.... no, I would not even remind myself.

    Craig and I had this silent agreement to not talk about it ever and to not to talk to eachother ever again. And that was what we're successfully doing until earlier when he let James and Bruce leave to make fun of my socks.

    Damn these socks. If it weren't for them, my plan of ignoring Craig Williams throughout the remaider of highschool would go smoothly but damn Craig, he could have made fun of my socks to himself. No need to say in front of me.

    Whoa, I'm taking this too far. It's not suppose to be a big deal. I mean, I have always talked to him with some words like: "What the hell are you doing?" and "Principal's office now."

    That's not even close to a talk. More like accusation- right accusation- and demand.

    "Hey," Autumn calls out. I craned my neck to face the naturally red head typing away on her latest Iphone. "You want to know what the school is talking about in this fine morning? Hint: it's about you." She grinned idiotically, not even looking at me, as she set down her phone and pulled another Iphone- surprise, surprise- from her pocket and started scrolling.

    I know that most kids here are mega loaded like Autumn- well, considering that this is a rich kid's school. It seemed to me that my red head friend's daily allowance could be my allowance for a whole month.

    I grunted. "If this is about the kid who poured orange juice on my blazer, I swear, I did not do anything to traumatize him."

   Trevor chuckled at this.

   Autumn rolled her hazel brown eyes and sat her phone onto her desk before looking at me wide eyes. "No, it's not that." Then, she grinned big time. Something tells me that I wouldn't like it.

    She tells me.

    I didn't like it.

    "Me and Craig?" I asked bewildered, utterly bewildered.

    She nodded.

    "Inggrid and Craig?" Trevor questioned as if Autumn had just told him that he was adopted and his parents were from Mars or Jupiter or Neptune or- I think you get my point.

    She nodded again, more vigorious.

    "It's when Craig and his back-up dancers," yeah, we call James and Bruce back-up dancers since they're always on Craig's tail. "Went into the direction of you locker, which was the ever deserted hallway, and when a junior guy went sprinting away James and Bruce followed without a Craig Williams." She smirked at this. "They all saw you went into your locker before the three of them chased the junior there and,so, they thought...."Autumn has to dramatically trail off for dramatic effect puposes.

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