Chapter 1

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"Woah, there horsy," I held my palm in front of me in a stop manner. "All I'm asking is another extra curricular for my college application to Reedley. Please, please! It's the best law school and I need to get in. You know I need to! I need to show them that I'm responsible and presidential. Please, Trance, please!" I pouted as I clasp my hands together in front of my chest like a cartoon character would do.

He let out a frustrated sigh.

"First, don't call me horsy and Trance when in school premises." He points.

"Got it." I gave him a thumbs up.

Trance is my Godfather and I call him horsy because, well, I just want to. And did I mention that he was our school principal?

Yeah, no.

"Second, I already told you that there isn't an open spot for anything. If something pops up you'll sure be my first choice." 

I sighed in defeat. "Fine." I mumbled as I played with the brown cushioned seat that I'm currently sitting on.

"Well, you should get going," he glanced at his wrist watch. "You still got ten minutes to yell at people your age loittering the hallway. I'm sure that'll do great in your college application." He smirked.

I'm seriously looking for reasons why he's a principal. Principals are usually old and strict but Trance-I mean, Mr. Bickler- is kind of young. Like in his late thirties.

I rolled my eyes and stood up from my seat. "Whatever," I mumbled. "Bye Tra- Mr. Bickler." I gave him a teasing smile.

He just shooed me away and that was what I did.

The moment that I opened the half wooden and half glass door of the office, all I could hear was babbling of these people.

Oh yeah, their my schoolmates. And some are classmates.

Well, I still have a few more minutes before I go full beast mode on these people. I started walking towards the direction of my locker. People either glance at me with nervous smiles or abruptly look away as if eye contact with me would make them turn into stones like I was Medusa or just piss off. Like, literally. Okay, maybe not that literally but I think the freshmen were at least about to.

They looked at me like I was some monster ready to behead them. I gave them a hard look before they glance away and scrammbled out of the hallway.

One of the freshmen bumped my shoulder and spilled his orange juice on the sleeve of my school uniform's gray blazer.

Gasps were heard. Students stopped and stare.

"Did he just-?"

"Yeah, how dare of a freshman do that?"

"Is she okay?"

"Oh, God, he's dead."

I looked at my drenched sleeve and to the freshman who looks like he's totally going to piss his pants. He looked utterly horrified. Well, he should be. He just ruined the Student Body President's blazer. Oh yeah, insert terror in some part of my title.

His eyes were about to pop out. "I-I'm s-sorry-y.. I didn't m-mean it. Y-you were o-on my way a-and.." he was cut off when someone in the crowd said.

"Hell, did he just said that?"

"It's a death wish."

I raised an eyebrow at the freshman.

"I didn't mean it like that!" He said in one breath. "I'm so s-sorry. I will even h-help the janitor a-after class to help h-him clean up. Yeah, I will and please don't hurt me." He squeezed his eye shut.

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