Chapter 6: Lionesses

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"Stay low!" Kovu whispered firmly in Kion's ear. Kion got lower to the ground, ready to pounce, "Real quick question. Why, out of anyone, am I stalking a lioness?"

"They're the ones who least expect it," Kovu explained, "Especially Rani. She's always clueless."

Kion nodded and bunched up his muscles. "Get the timing right," Kovu said. Kion judged the distance, and waited for a few seconds, then pounced.

Rani was laying down, resting beside her friends. She heard pawsteps. But ignored them. Suddenly, she was crashed into and flipped onto her back.

"Ha! Got ya!"

Rani looked up, "What are you doing, Kion." "Training," Kion smirked and jumped off her. He walked over to Kovu, "Was that good?" "You did great. Keep practicing that, and you'll be able to take down Simba," Kovu smiled.

"Yeah. After you learn to respect lionesses first," Rani growled, walking up to them. "Lionesses are the easiest target," Kovu replied. "And why's that?" Rani raised an eyebrow.

"You're just weak," Kovu shrugged. "Excuse you! Last I remembered, LIONESSES did the hunting so MALES could eat! Then we let YOU eat first! LIONESSES protect the males, have cubs, all those things, and you have the nerve to say we are weak, when the males of the pride do absolutely nothing!" Rani growled.

"We watch over the pride," Kovu replied. Rani glared at him, "We're saying the same thing."

Kovu sighed. Rani smirked, "Hey can you catch me something?" Kovu rolled his eye's, "Males don't hunt." "I didn't ask for the attitude. I asked for food," Rani smirked.

"Get it yourself!" Kovu walked away. The lionesses behind Rani laughed.

Kion looked at them strangely. The lionesses in his old pride never treated him or his father than way. Why were the lionesses here different?

"Why do you disrespect the males? They keep the pride safe?" Kion asked. Rani turned to him, "It's fun. That's why."

Fun? They were doing this, for fun?  "You can't do that! No one should be disrespected like that!" Kion shouted.

Rani laughed, "Lionesses are free to do what they want. Now if I were you, I'd get back to your training, apprentice." Kion growled, "Just because I'm an apprentice, doesn't meann I'm not older than you."

"Run along now cub," Rani smirked. The lionesses laughed.

Kion snarled and walked to Kovu.

Kovu sighed, "The lionesses have gotten out of control and I think it's because of my mom. With her being leader, or alpha, it makes the lionesses think they have more power."

"Yeah. The lionesses at Priderock never acted like this," Kion replied. "Well lionesses here don't get princess training or whatever that is," Kovu rolled his eye's. "True," Kion nodded.

"Anyway, let's get back to your training," Kovu said. Kion smirked, "I'm ready."

"Ok Kion," Kovu circled him, "Let's say you're fighting, and someone jumps onto your back. What do you do?"


"To slow! Thinking with hesitation will have you killed," Kovu growled, "Now what do you do if someone jumps onto your back?"

Kion couldn't think.

"You're dead! Stop overthinking! That's your problem. You overthink things. It's simple. Kion jump onto my back," Kovu ordered.

Kion did as asked, and jumped onto Kovu's back. Kovu quickly flipped over and rolled onto his back, crushing Kion under him. Kovu stood up.

Kion groaned and got to his paws. "You do that, but make sure they're actually broken before getting up," Kovu explained.

Kion sighed, "You went easy on me. Didn't you." "Yes I did. Because your an ally. I can't crush you," Kovu replied. "I guess," Kion shrugged.

"Alright, another scenario. Let's say an enemy had you backed against a rock, wall, tree, anything..." Kovu walked forward, backing Kion against a rock wall, "...What do you do?"

Kion looked around. He had an idea. He backed himself against the rock completely. Kion stood on his hindpaws, back against the wall. He sprang off the wall, pushing with his paws, and jumped over Kovu.

Kovu stood on his hindpaws, trying to grab Kion, but Kion just barely escaped.

Kovu turned around and landed on four paws, "Nice work. But next time, jump to the side. As you can see, it's easy to get you if you're above," Kovu explained.

Kion smiled and nodded. Kovu looked up, "The sun's setting. We should head back." "Ok!" Kion replied.

Kion and Kovu arrived back to the Pride. They headed into a cave, and settled down to sleep. Suddenly, lioness scent filled the air. Kion looked up. Sure enough, there was lionesses, Rani in the front.

"Alright guys. Move out. Lionesses get to pick the nests first," Rani ordered. The males groaned but did as asked. They walked out. Kion was really annoyed by this. He hated being controlled by a lioness.

The males waited outside, but the lionesses took all the sleeping nests. "Looks like we're outside. Again," A male sighed and laid down.

"Are you serious!" Kion growled. "Kion, lionesses have more control in this pride, because a lioness is leader. We have to listen to then," Kovu sighed.

Kion scoffed, "Fine."

Kion laid down, his head on his paws. Kion officially hated all lionesses, and anything to do with them.

"Lionesses are the worst," Kion growled and went to sleep.

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