Chapter 20: The Final Battle

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Kion roared and lunged at Mufasa. Mufasa dodged and grabbed Kion's throat in his paw. Kion bit his arm and Mufasa roared in pain.

Kion narrowed his eyes and quickly looked around. Kion roared and lifted up two elephants.

The elephants were in shock.

Mufasa stood there, confused. Kion roared louder and the two elephants smashed into Mufasa. Mufasa's bones instantly shattered and he died.

Kion chuckled evilly, "Who's next?"

Mheetu snarled and charged forward.  Kion ran toward in at full speed and they crashed together. Kion looked him dead in the eyes. He started walking forward, pushing Mheetu towards a lake.

Mheetu tried pushing back, but Kion was too strong. Kion threw him into the lake. Mheetu was about to climb out, when Kion shoved a Boulder in after him. The Boulder landed ontop of Mheetu and pushed him down to the bottom of the lake where he drowned to death.

Kion laughed, "Anyone else?"

Uru stepped forward. Kion shook his head and smirked. Kion roared and snapped a tree branch. Uru was confused but charged toward him. Kion roared louder. The tree branch stood vertically in the air. Kion stopped roaring and it dropped, impaling Uru through her spine to the ground.

Uru fought for breath as she tried to move. Kion walked up to her and slit her throat open.


Ahadi roared in anger at what Kion had just done to his mate. He jumped in the air and tried landing on Kion, but Kion was too fast. He grabbed a vine and dodged Ahadi's blow. Ahadi snarled and lunged for him again. Kion quickly stopped him with the vine, wrapping it around his neck. Ahadi started to choke and tried to get the vine off his neck. Kion pulled tighter. Ahadi gasped for breath, and then his body went limp.

Mohatu charged toward Kion while he was still strangling Ahadi. He knocked Kion off his paws and pinned him down.

Kion threw him off with his hind legs, making him fall into the water. Kion smirked and roared. Lightning struck down into the water. Mohatu's eyes widened. The electricity got to him. Before anything bad could happen, Mohatu just died from shock.

Mfalme stepped forward. He was the very first king of the Pridelands.

Kion glared at him and snarled. Mfalme unsheathed his claws and charged toward Kion.

Kion grabbed a small, sharp stick, and before Mfalme could stop himself, he ran straight into the stick. It stabbed him in the eye. Mfalme roared in pain. Kion grabbed his neck and snapped it in half.

Askari stepped forward. Kion chuckled, "You gonna use your roar on me?"

"No. I'll fight like a real lion!" Askari charged forward and wrapped his paws around Kion's neck. Kion dug his hind claws into Askari's stomach and gutted him. Askari just stared down at him, muzzle wide open. Kion pushed him off and waited for him to die.

"Anyone else?"

No one stepped forward. "Good. I hope you all enjoy your time in hell." Kion laughed evilly and roared.

A wood chipper appeared in front of them. Kion smirked. They all knew what was going to happen then. When they tried to run, Kion stopped them with his roar.

Kion lifted all the ancient lions of the past into the air and put them straight into the wood chipper.

Screams of agony could be heard through the kingdom as they were all cut into tiny little pieces and shot out. Blood spattered all over Kion's face.

Once all the lions had been chopped, Kion got rid of the chipper. He turned to the Outlanders, "Evil wins!"

They all roared in triumph.

Rani walked over to Kion and nuzzled him, "We make a great team." Kion licked the blood off her muzzle, "We sure do."

The Outlanders settled into Priderock, not bothering to clean up the blood.

Kion stood at the edge where he had killed Sarabi, again. Rani stood at his side.

Kion had a kingdom of his own now. His family was dead, he had nothing to worry about.

Maybe, sometimes evil does win.

The End!

Wow! I am suprised at how gruesome I made this book become. I absolutely loved writing it! It was so much fun for me to think of creative ways to kill off the Lion King family. I hope you guys all enjoyed this book!

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