Chapter 1: The Kingdom Of Amora

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The Empire of Amora

Utopian empire, consisting of 7 different kingdoms, the place is known for its magical happenings and unbelievable belief systems.

The whole empire is run by the most prestigious and powerful family- The Kims. For years, the throne has been passed down from generation to generation.
The prince alpha of the Kim family is given the throne when he turns 20, after the 20th birthday- the coronation ceremony takes place.

And the age of 20 is really special and precious to each Amorian(the people of Amora) because that's when they find their mate.

Mate for the soul, mate for eternity. The one with whom you are going to spend the rest of your life.
There is a bond that develops between two soulmates, uniting them with each other till the infinity. They learn to respect each other and love each other through this bond.

When they turn 20, a magical shining thin thread appears on the ring finger of the left hand, wrapping it beautifully like a ring.

The color of the thread is same for the pair of mates. And this is how they find each other.

But this special thread does not appear for all the pairs- it only appears when the bond which will form between them will be pure as if the future is already predicted. And the pair will end up together.

Finding your true mate is also a way to unlock the powers each of the two is gifted with.
The powers are enormous and of different kinds- from reading people's minds to controlling anyone- given to all the Amorians.

And for this purpose(to find one's mate, particularly the next heir's mate) a great ball is organized on the 20th birthday of Kim Taehyung, the next heir to the Kim throne, the next ruling emperor.

Talking about the young alpha prince, he's the most handsome prince of his age compared to all the princes of other empires.

The male was tall and lean with a nicely built figure, masculine energy always covering his aura with determination and matureness. Being an alpha, the dominance and power he will hold over anyone will be enormous.

From the day he was born, he made it his life's purpose to serve his empire and take care of his people, as much as he loved the Amorians- the people showered twice of the love back at him and he couldn't be more grateful for it.

Apart from his responsibilities and duties in the empire- Alpha Taehyung also had a really beautiful relationship with his someone special.
And he was none other than Prince Jungkook, the beautiful omega who reserves a special place in the alpha's heart.

Jungkook was the younger son of Jeon Ji-Ho, the ruling king of the kingdom Zumania, one of the seven kingdoms which are under the rule of Amora.

King Ji-ho and Emperor Tae-Un(Prince Taehyung's father, the ruling emperor of Amora) were the epitome of true friendship.

Their friendship was something that couldn't be bled out in words, one needed to witness the love they both have for each other. They can die and even kill if someone hurts the other.
And which was the reason why both the princes got close.

Since childhood, Taehyung and Jungkook have been inseparable. Just like their fathers, their relationship was fascinating yet beautiful, the only difference was the bond between them was a little more than friendship.

The bond of love was blooming between the two innocent souls who were unaware of the reality they will be facing once after coming out of their little bubble.
The souls were being bonded to each other to spread just love and only pure love.


The melodic giggles were resonating in the royal hallway, the two young princes were running towards each other, particularly Prince Taehyung was running after Prince Jungkook.

Both were playing around, running through the white curtains which were hanging down- probably for tomorrow's decoration.

"Caught you!"
Prince Taehyung announced as soon as he held the hem of the beige blouse the omega was wearing, his sudden claim made the younger prince stop right there and turn around to face the elder as he lost the game.

"I lost, why are you so good at running, prince?"
Prince Jungkook whined, his lower lip jutting out as a small pout now adorned his rosy lips.
And Taehyung was a goner for that. He couldn't believe how someone could be this ethereal.

He chuckled before wrapping his hands around the younger's waist and pushing him against the nearest wall which caused a sudden yelp of amusement to come out of Jungkook's lips.

The alpha moved one of his hands from the waist and trailed it toward the omega's face. He tucked the long brown locks behind the latter's ear,
both were lost in love and each other's eyes, which held so many unspoken words.
His hand then rested on the soft cheek which was covered in a red hue now, because of the proximity between them.

Jungkook whined looking away, breaking the eye contact as his skin turned red, he was blushing.

"So beautiful- you are, my love."
Taehyung said as he tilted the younger's head up through his chin. Their eyes met again.
He leaned towards the rosy lips while still staring lovingly at the beautiful prince who was in front of him, a small shy smile adorning the younger's lips.

As soon as their lips were about to meet, Jungkook pushed the alpha prince away and ran from there giggling in mischievousness.

But his breath hitched when he felt a warm yet strong hand holding onto his soft ones, he tilted his head a little just to see Taehyung looking at him.

"Tonight, you know where to find me, love "
Prince Taehyung announced and soon the grip around his hand eased and he stormed away clutching his heart with his hand, the last thing he heard was the melodious laugh of the Prince.

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