Chapter 7: I Can Feel Your Love

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The whole kingdom of Amora was celebrating the coronation of the new emperor and empress, feasts and balls were organised, and everyone was dancing and singing, drunk in happiness and love- love for their new rulers and people.

The newly married mates and rulers were rounding the whole pack, showing gratitude and providing food and gifts for their people.

Dressed in royal attires, they both gleamed with love and adoration for each other.

Marriage was a ritual, a connection that tied them formally, yet they felt more intimacy in their bond, it was a dream they had longed for to come true and it did, now was the moment to look for eternal happiness and love.

The carriage halted in front of a cottage that looked enchanting from where they were seated, the small lamps were lit up as the glow escaped from the windows.

Jungkook was in awe when he jumped down from the carriage- into his mate's arms. He looked at him and suddenly felt shy, lowering his gaze he left the warmth of his mate and ran inside, his alpha chuckled at his adorable mannerism.

The little house was sweet and welcoming, the kitchen was warm and smelled like food and the drawing room had vintage pictures and vases but the most enchanting part was their chamber.

The room was lovely, that is how the beautiful omega would describe it. The lamps were mild yellow and the candles were romantic, the bloom of the scented ones was still strong in the air and it was peaceful to him.

He felt Taehyung stand behind him, his arm holding his waist softly. He gasped at the little touch and then he realised something was missing from their chamber.

"There's no bed, alpha. Just a mattress." Taehyung leaned down to press kisses on the skin of his neck.

"I asked them not to arrange one, we'll break it anyway."
The kisses turned messy and he turned the alpha around and pressed his lips against Taehyung's.

It was as if they were having their first kiss, the passion was intense and the touches more intimate.

Taehyung pushed him towards the mattress, Jungkook's back hitting the soft sheets and the chamber filled with giggles as they laughed between their kiss.

It was messy but oh how beautiful they were.

The love was blooming in the mixed scent of lavender and rain.

"I want you alpha, I want you so much. I don't think I have ever wanted you this much, to be with you and to show you how much I care for you and can love you. "
The omega confessed, his emotions expressed in his tear-filled eyes, though his alpha was quick to wipe them away.

"I want to love you Jungkook with all the love I have, I want to give my everything to you, just you, my love. "

Tears were shed, love got stronger as words were just a surface to convey because deep were the touches.

Loving Jungkook was so easy and Taehyung will always find it that way as he kissed Jungkook again, this time more roughly.

"Ugnh~, alpha-"
His loud moan captivated the alpha as he kissed creating more marks on his collarbone.

"Alpha- this -stop- o-out"
Taehyung looked at Jungkook who had his eyes half closed in pleasure, trying to hear what he was murmuring.

He caressed the omega's cheeks, his doe-eyes now open and looking at him in discomfort.

"What is it, love? "
He softly asked after noticing the adorable pout of his mate.

At this, Taehyung had his full attention on him.

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