Chapter 5: The Mate and The Curse

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"L-Love, open the door. Please!!!"

Taehyung pleaded as it was the third time he was calling for Jungkook but all he got was silence in return. He was getting impatient, his heart was breaking with each tear the younger was shedding inside the chamber.
His mothers were crying desperately praying to the moon goddess that Jungkook would not take any reckless action.

He stepped back from the door, his feets started to shake and his mind became hazy. His wolf could feel something, something so pleasant, he took a deep breath and the floral scent of lavender and strawberries filled his insides and he wanted more, more of this scent.

The scent alone made him feel so many emotions.

And he felt desperate and pathetic. Nothing made sense, he needed Jungkook, his mind and heart screamed for his omega and only for him.
Suddenly the door to the chamber opened and Jungkook stood in front of him, his state as dishevelled as him.

His tear-stained cheeks pained the alpha as he was the very cause of them. But right now, the alpha's attention was only on the shining green thread which wrapped the omega's finger tenderly. And unknowingly his eyes roamed over his own ring finger which had the same thread as Jungkook's.

That only meant one thing.

"Al- Alpha" The painful sob of the omega hurt him so much, he wouldn't forgive himself.

"Ho- hold me, please. "
Before Jungkook completed his sentence he was already in Taehyung's arms. The alpha cradled him near his chest as tightly as ever, hugging him to his heart's content as if he would disappear the very next second.

"I'm here, love. Please take deep breaths, it's hurting me, please. "

Listening to Taehyung's pleading voice, Jungkook looked up, his eyes shed more tears after realising how hurt Taehyung was. The alpha's orbs were filled with tears as he tightened the hold around him.

Jungkook hid his face in the alpha's neck.
His mind and omega only screamed just one thing.

Mate. Mate. Mate.

So after all, he is Taehyung's mate, he couldn't express how much love he was feeling and how grateful he was feeling at the moment. His heart was beating fast, his mind was hazy, unable to think, his omega was so happy, and above all, Taehyung was with him and he was basking in the warmth of rain and cocoa.

"We are mates, alpha, we are mates. I am your omega, your mate." As soon as they pulled apart, Jungkook couldn't help but hug the alpha again, kissing his cheeks twice.

Tears of happiness fell from his orbs, But suddenly he pushed Taehyung away.

"She-She kissed you, didn't she? But I can't sense her scent on you, alpha. I believe you and our love but not that la-"

"I never kissed her nor did I let her, omega. She is not my mate. Only you can kiss me, love. I am only yours."
Taehyung smiled, tears falling down through his golden eyes which were gazing softly into the blue ones of his mate. His true mate.

He walked close to Jungkook and cupped his cheeks.

"I love you and only you, precious." And he kissed him. With all the love he had. Jungkook tried to kiss back but a sudden yelp left his lips as pain shot up through his abdomen and he crouched down, Taehyung taking him into his arms immediately.

"Love- Jungkook-, what is happening? " 
Panic and fear filled the alpha.

"Hu-Hurts Al-alpha" He embraced Jungkook close to his heart.

"Mother, call the medic, the healers, anyone! My omega is hurting!!!"
He told his mother who couldn't be seen into the room.

Jungkook's mother cried painfully, she couldn't understand what was happening, all she could think about at the moment was how his son was in pain.

She pleaded to Taehyung, to take the omega to the bed who wasn't willing to let go of him. He can not trust anyone right now, his alpha has become so protective and she knew this but she also couldn't do anything and this helplessness was eating her up, she wants to protect both her kids.

Taehyung looked at the omega who was withering in pain clutching his arms in the alpha's embrace, their mate bond was newly formed, Taehyung couldn't feel the pain Jungkook was going through but if he could- he will willingly take away all of the omega's pain.

"Alp-Alpha..." The omega coughed out some blood. Taehyung's face whitened, mind blank as ever but he wiped the liquid away along with the younger's tears.

"Do not speak, please."  Taehyung pleaded.
"We will be okay, I will not let anything happen to you."

"Taehyung move aside-" his mother's voice made him glance at her but he ignored her. He can't let anyone be near his omega.

"Please, child. This is Kim Seokjin from the golden pack, and his mate Kim Namjoon, they are healers. Let them check Jungkook for once."

"Prince, I understand that you think we are a threat to your mate but I assure you that we mean no harm. We just want to heal your omega, you can't see him in pain, can you? So let us heal him. You can stay right beside him. "
Taehyung nodded toward Seokjin when another painful moan from Jungkook echoed inside the chamber.

"I am trusting you with my life," He said and stood aside making room for the other two.

Seokjin caressed Jungkook's cheeks, his lips whispering some incoherent words and soon Jungkook was unconscious. Taehyung wanted to intrude but he didn't, wanting to trust the couple.

Then the healer examined Jungkook's abdomen, resting his arms over there- he closed his eyes and after a few seconds, he hastily opened them immediately looking at Namjoon, both sharing a knowing look.

"He is cursed."

That simple sentence broke many hearts.

Both the mothers holding on to each other, tears couldn't stop dripping. Taehyung stood there, his face held no emotion, he couldn't feel anything, his omega was- he can't believe it.

"He is cursed by a vampire, Namjoon had suspicions but I neglected them. The vampire was here at the ball."
Taehyung averted his glance at Namjoon and the latter understood what he asked for.

"The princess, who was your mate or I say pretended to be one, is the vampire. She casted a spell on you too, I was not sure but as soon as I got close to her, I identified her scent. and ran towards Aunt but guess it was late. Apart from my healing gift, I can sense them and their magic.

My mother was a witch and I have studied about them. The vampire wasn't a strong one but they have rarely invaded our territories and I wonder why she did something so cruel?"

When the alpha finished, Taehyung was deep in thought. That is why he couldn't sense her wolf or her scent. Taehyung was sure no one could be his mate other than Jungkook but Jungkook, what was his fault, why must he suffer? Why is the moon goddess so cruel? Why?

"You will heal him, right? You can. I know, Mother told me you are great healers-"
Taehyung asked desperately, he had all the faith in the couple but it shattered right away.

"No," Namjoon mumbled. 


hope you enjoyed this one 😌
take care and stay healthy<333💓

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