Chapter 2: Lake Of Sarang

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Taehyung was sitting beside the serene blue lake, the reflection of the moon shone at its dark surface.

This secret place was filled with love, the trees that were growing were planted by him and Jungkook. The place had a special place in his heart. They grew up together playing and loving around here.

When they were just toddlers- Jungkook and he were playing around, Jungkook was running away from Taehyung and the alpha was trying to catch the little omega.
When the younger got caught in his arms, he told Jungkook that his mother has given him plant seeds and so he and Jungkook walked in the bushes to find a suitable place- and that was when they discovered this lake which Jungkook loved to call- lake of Sarang, their lake of Sarang.
They planted those little seeds and those now became big trees. Jungkook called these trees his babies, afterall he raised them.

As Taehyung was lost in the thoughts of his lover- he failed to notice those little sounds of hushed footsteps but as soon as someone sat beside him- he instantly knew it was his pretty omega.

The soft voice filled with love and adoration earned Jungkook all the attention of the alpha.

When the two pairs of those twinkling eyes met each other, it felt like nothing mattered anymore.
No words were exchanged yet they both understood each other's yearning and misery.

Tears finally spilled from the omega's eyes when he connected his lips softly with the alpha's lips. Just the tender touch made all the flowers bloom in their heart, emotions flowing out through the closed orbs in the form of pearls, it was overwhelming for them but no one wanted to pull away but had to.

When the alpha detached their lips- just after two seconds- the omega had attached their lips, Taehyung's back touching the soft grass as the omega laid on top of him. Kissing him with all the love.

Lips moving against each other tenderly, Taehyung's arms covering the omega's waist as the latter's hands rested on the firm chest of the alpha.

Breaking the kiss, the alpha moved to kiss the younger's jaw who in turn arched his neck wanting all the soft touches to caress his scent gland.

Taehyung smiled at the dainty action of the omega and in a swift movement the omega was pressed between the grass and the alpha whom he loved. Their scents mingled with the cold air pleasantly.
The omega fisted the silky hairs of his alpha when he bit the skin, scenting him to his satisfaction, a smile made its way over his pink lips.
He loved this moment as much as he loved Taehyung.

Silent tears rolled down through his eyes but his sad sniffles did not go unnoticed by his lover who now was looking at him with love.

He smiled at his silly omega.

"Why are you crying, my love?"

"This might be the last night you are in my arms, alpha." A tear rolled down his eyes, Taehyung was quick to catch it.
"I do not wish to watch you with someone who is not me, I know I'm being selfish but I need you, alpha. For all I know- if I am not your mate then I shall not-"
The sentence was never completed as Taehyung hushed the omega with a soft kiss over his lips.

"You do know you make me scared, love. Do not, never say such things- I can't live without you, my love. You are my heart Jungkook, no one can enter it other than you. If someone else is to reside in my heart who is not you then they shall be able to do that only when I die- because in this life I am just yours and yours and I wish the same for all my next lives."

With that their lips met again and this time for a long time.

The royal ball will be held for a few days until the mate of the heir is announced as per the royalty and people are invited from all over the kingdom- omegas, betas, or alphas no matter from where they belong- these few days were also celebrated as a festival, as during these days many lovers and mates unite.

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