Chapter 8: Rain Is Good News

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"The clouds are turning dark, I think you should go and escort Jungkook from the orphanage."
The former Luna of Amora suggested. Taehyung and his mother were out in the garden discussing about the new workshop that will permit all the omegas who are always busy in the household work to join these little creative places and heal themselves, through this they directly present their inner thoughts and any query they have.

The alpha provides for the home but it is the omegas and betas who nourishes and provides warmth and love in the household. They make the place home. Hence it was really important that all of them stay happy and have time for themselves.

When Jungkook presented this idea a few months before, both the mothers were proud, how good Jungkook will be as a Luna.
And he is proving them right, each day.

It has been two weeks since the royal couple returned from their little cottage and in just two weeks, they have won the hearts of millions.

"Yes mother, I will take my leave now."
It was three days before, when his Omega suddenly wished to visit the orphanage and would Taehyung ever deny even if the Luna asked for the stars.
Of course not.

And that is how the visits became frequent to the orphanage. Jungkook told him about the people there, the kids are lovely and always eager to learn new things. He has taken it upon himself to teach the kids about herbs and the ancient language of Amora.

Taehyung found him adorable and somewhere in his heart, he felt the little ring of bells which led him to the thought of his own pups.


The carriage halted in front of the old building, and Emperor Taehyung stepped out. He nodded his head at the people who bowed and smiled at some.

The clouds were dark and full of rain ready to pour down as the air of Amora had turned its speed up. The leaves were rustling and trees were smiling at the thought of rain.

It was when he entered the chamber when he felt and heard the little pitter patter of raindrops. His heart doesn't feel at ease, there is something wrong.
And suddenly his alpha is going restless which is why his steps become more frantic till he reaches the reception counter.

Usually his omega would be standing there talking to the young beta behind the counter but today there is no one.

His worries along with the unpleasant thunders outside aren't helping his thoughts.
Rain and thunder were indicating something he couldn't understand.

He couldn't help the wave of shiver that runs down his spine when he recognises the beta in tears running down the hallway.
She stills when she notices the Emperor looking at her. Her tears couldn't be for the same reason his wolf was growling inside him.

It can't be.

"Y-Your majesty, respected Luna ....Luna is m-missing."

The loud growl was more powerful than the clouds thundering outside. His eyes blazed golden, wrath and terror. All the people present knelt down on the floor helplessly.

He goes frantic, running everywhere to look for his omega. His silent nod towards the guards was enough for them to start searching the whole building.

He was informed the pups had vacated this building long before he reached as some parts would start leaking due to the rain.
He sent two guards to check that place if Luna was there with them.

His eyes had searched everywhere they could see, his head was empty and yet he still had some useless ideas and questions,
where could his omega be? was he safe?
The thoughts were terrifying and he didn't want to answer to his own voice.

Unknowingly his feets halted in front of the little garden space, the grass was high above his knees. He had no idea why and how he was here.

He moved to look into another chamber when something flashed from beneath the grasses. He slightly glanced and it was there.

A scent so sweet and addicting, the peach and lavender was prominent in the air even after the protests by rain, without thinking much his feets started moving into the direction of this scent, the rain was heavy as his clothes now drenched into water, his robe and pants were covered in dirt as the tresses of the grass were long enough to cover him half.

The scent was saturated in the middle where the grasses were less dense. His eyes found a little plate of grass through which the rain couldn't enter, it made Taehyung confused- it was as if the Mother Earth was protecting something and when his vision got clear,

He found him.

His mate.

His Luna.

His little omega.

His sweet Jungkook. His.

His worries melted into the rain as he took deep inhales of his mate's scent which was unknowingly mixed with that of peach.

The sudden urge to curl him into arms and protect him from the whole universe was thriving. He looked soft deep into his slumber to notice his surroundings, the grass providing a nice support to his back and protecting him from the water. He looked comfortable. So cosy.

His magic was linked to the earth, yes. Mother Earth was protecting his mate because he was her child as well as his omega.

He knelt and moved his hand to caress his cheeks and as soon as his skin came into touch with the omega's, his fingers tingled, the sensation seeped into his veins, the sudden warmth felt like a blanket in the rain, and the feeling to protect what was his became enormous.

Taehyung felt the happiness and excitement through the touch, it wasn't his feelings- he realised. But he also understood who they belonged to.

And everything made sense, the sudden visits to the orphanage, the sudden cravings for meat and being always scented by Taehyung, covering himself in his Alpha's robe. It made sense.
Oh dear moon goddess!

He scooped the younger into his arms who snuggled into his skin even in his sleep.
While carrying his omega, Alpha Taehyung realised that he needs to take care of his omega even more because now-

His Jungkook was carrying his pup.
His blood.

And the good thing was.... Taehyung had already met them.

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