Chapter 4: The Tragedy

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The clock was ticking and two minutes were left till midnight, Taehyung was going impatient. He wanted Jungkook here with him, to wish him first, to have him in his arms.

It has been ten minutes since Jungkook went away, his mother came and just stole him in front of his eyes, giving an excuse that she wants to introduce his omega to a few relatives from the golden pack, the pack was famous for their healing powers and magic, she could've taken him too but exclaimed teasingly that

'He is an alpha, he shouldn't indulge in omega matters'

and the betrayer, his beautiful, precious omega giggled at that and when he eyed him questioningly he just shrugged and followed his mother. The audacity- but then these little things about his love always make him admire the omega more.

"Greetings, dear prince, from Princess Jade of Eunoa"
His lovely trance was broken when a soft sound echoed and then he looked at the source of the voice.

And when he did get a glimpse, he felt something stirring inside him. His eyes were turning golden but not completely, his scent was making it difficult for the people around to breathe because of how intense it got. He felt his heart beating at an abnormal pace.
His body was shaking with uneasiness and he almost felt nothing.

He with much difficulty brought his hand up, and his breath hitched, his heart stopped beating all at once when he felt the little thread covering his ring finger. The colour turned red from green strangely.

He looked at the lady in front of him and realised her finger had the same coloured thread.


This can't be happening.

His eyes got locked with the princess who was already looking at him with flickering grey eyes.

'This isn't right'. He thought. 'This is wrong, I can't believe this.'

In the corner beside the stairs, Jungkook stood silently witnessing his whole world collapsing.

All of the promises are broken, aren't they meant to be broken but Taehyung always told him, he will keep them, all of them because he is Jungkook's alpha. But he isn't his anymore, right?

All of the flashbacks played in front of his eyes, all the memories, all the dreams of them together started disappearing one by one and the omega did nothing, just stood and watched.

He felt so alone as he had never felt. He couldn't help the tears falling one by one from his eyes, pearls dropping on the floor, his omega was crying in agony. Everything was suffocating him. His world is ending and all he can do is witness his own destruction.

His body was shaking, he couldn't even sense anything, his heart was churning, breath was unsteady. Unknowingly his feets started to move backward.

A hiss left his lips, when a piece of glass pierced through his slippers cutting the skin of his feet. And for the first time in his life, Taehyung did not come to him, the same Taehyung who would kill anyone who even dared to look at him more than necessary.

"Alpha is not the same anymore-" his omega cried calling for his alpha, but why was he even calling for him?

"Alpha would not come." He painfully murmured.

"Not now, not ever, but remember we will love him, always. " The moment was painful for anyone to witness, and Jungkook is just a pawn of fate's merciless play.

He wasn't thinking with his right mind, his love for the alpha is not that weak. But what can he do, he is helpless and weak, his alpha is not by his side anymore.

And when he again looked at the alpha, who was staring so deeply into the eyes of his mate,  he couldn't stop the painful sob which escaped through him, his mate was leaning towards Taehyung.

He turned around and ran towards his chamber, he couldn't see that- his Taehyung, his alpha, whom he doesn't even have the right to call his anymore, kissing someone who is not him. He is selfish, he knows but he can't hurt himself more than he already is.

And as he ran leaving the faded red footprints of blood, ignoring the calls from his parents who were there witnessing the scene unfold, no one noticed the omega's finger covered with a green thread as he was already numb from the pain and hurt he was feeling to even acknowledge the rain and cocoa scent in the air, to feel the mate bond.

He just went away, wanting nothing but to wake up from this dream he never wished to have.


Taehyung wasn't feeling anything but pure confusion and fury.

The grey pair of eyes were strange and didn't feel familiar even a bit, he again glanced at his red-green thread and back into the eyes of the princess.

His thoughts were running crazily in his mind, wasn't he supposed to feel the mate bond if the princess whom he doesn't even know is her mate? He had heard- you can feel the mate bond when you find your mate, his mother had felt that and his father had felt that and they have told him, it is the best feeling in the world when you find your mate and it is something that can't be explained-

you feel as if you are happiest person alive, you feel flowers bloom, sun shining, stars twinkling and everything feels just so right, you can sense it.

Why can't Taehyung feel all of those?

Why is he only sensing suffocation, yes- he is feeling as if someone has gripped his throat and twisted it, all the air being clogged.

Why is his wolf not able to contact the latter's wolf, why can't he sense the scent?

Everything is so confusing and it is making him lose his temper and right now all he wants is his omega near him. His Jungkook.

The thought of his omega broke his trance and he realised the lady in front of him was leaning in. He couldn't help but feel his skin burn, even the thought of someone touching him who is not Jungkook is painful and intolerable- he wants Jungkook and only him to be his mate.

So without any thought, he slightly pushed the lady away which led her to stumble back a few steps. And he walked away from there.

His anger was winning against him.

"T-Taehyung!!! Prince!! Please save my son."

Jungkook's mother's voice beamed through his ears and stopped him abruptly. Her voice was broken due to constant crying, her dishevelled look gave the impression that she was running.
But that wasn't what caught him off guard.

"Mother! What are you saying? I can't understand, please take deep breaths"
He tried to calm her but her tears won't stop.

"J-Jungkook, Taehyung..." She couldn't complete her sentence as Taehyung's mother made an appearance looking much worse.

"Taehyung, Jungkook has seen you with y- your m-ma that lady, and he has locked himself in his chamber and he won't come out, everyone is worried,
and moon goddess' sake! If anything happens to him I will kill your mate and will banish you from the kingdom."

Taehyung was already away to hear his mother's warnings and curses, he knows what he would do to himself if anything ever happened to Jungkook.

"Please, love, just be safe. Alpha is with you."
He prayed, his wolf already trying to mind link his omega which was failing and it was making him worried and angry even more.

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