Chapter 3: The Royal Ball

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Jungkook sighs looking at all the people entering through the garden path which was decorated charmingly, the path leading the way to the ball hall.

He smiled in irony-  how all the people are dressed so heavily, clad in their best traditional outfits, some wearing clothes that reveal a lot of their skin, probably to lure the rich alphas and the prince if possible- and here he is standing in the balcony in his night robe, his long hairs messily tied in the back but he still looks alluring, the omega would disagree though.

He took a few steps back and returned to his chamber when he noticed some alphas gazing in his direction but before he could turn around and walk into the room he bumped into the hard chest, a pair of arms wrapping themselves around his waist.

"Alpha~ "
A lewd sound escaped his lips when he felt Taehyung's lips sinking into his scent gland. His legs became unstable and he leaned backward placing all his weight on Taehyung, hands clutching on the arms wrapped around his waist.

Taehyung glared so mischievously at the alphas who were staring at his omega. His lips and nose were buried in the flushed skin and his eyes bore holes on the strange alphas who were finding it difficult to stand there and witness this inappropriate act of both the lovers.

The grip on the waist tightened and the omega's breath hitched when he realised how possessive Taehyung's gaze and touches were.

He turned around with much difficulty and pressed himself into Taehyung's embrace, hiding his face from the alpha.
Taehyung smiled and carried the omega back inside the chamber.
As soon as he placed the omega on the ground, the younger again hugged him which made the alpha chuckle.

He called in his soothing voice but the omega was adamant.
He lifted the omega's chin and caressed the skin of his cheek which turned rosy.


"Why aren't you ready yet, love?"
He tucked the strand of hair behind his ear.

"I was waiting for your arrival but now I think I will proceed to get dressed and look a bit presentable"
Jungkook replied shyly. Taehyung leaned forward to whisper something in his ears.

"Ohh... believe me you look so beautiful, my precious. I want to devour you all right now. You make it so difficult for me to live, I can't wait to mate you and make you the queen of my kingdom and heart as well."
Jungkook's ears turned into a shade of scarlet along with his cheeks as he pushed the alpha away from him who fell on the bed.

He took his bathing supplies and made a run toward the bathhouse before Taehyung could sit up.

If the alpha helped his omega in the bathhouse while stealing some kisses then it is none of our concern.


The evening sun was fading behind the clouds as the moon took over, and the hall was filled with a diversity of people from all the kingdoms, east howlers, or south night shades- every kingdom was presented well by its residents.

Among all of them, Taehyung was standing charmingly, clad in the finest royal attire looking as handsome as ever, his shining raven hair was styled in such a way to reveal his forehead, the alpha aura oozing dominance and power.

He looked around coldly and acknowledged all the stares thrown at him, he was the attention and the star tonight. But all he needed was his moon which still hasn't made his presence at the ball.

The alpha was impatiently gazing at the staircase, he couldn't wait for it to be midnight and claimed Jungkook, the beautiful omega, to be his mate.
All his life, he had dreamt of Jungkook ruling beside him as his luna, then planning a little family and then after their children took over the throne, they would move to live in a little house beside the lake of Sarang.
He cherished all the little moments with Jungkook. Ohh how all his thoughts always ended up on the certain omega.

And just then all the charm and light of the room dimmed away and Taehyung's eyes found their way towards the ethereal omega stepping down slowly, taking away all the attention that belonged to him.

His soft brown hair was styled beautifully, the white lace corset enhanced his omega curves, and beneath it, the royal blue skirt circled around him in perfect proportions, Taehyung forgot to breathe.
His whole aura was spreading such positivity and love- all the other people in the hall smiled at him in awe admiring his beauty.

"The prophecy is indeed true, my son is luring all of them." The empress of Amora softly exclaimed to the luna of Zumania.

"Of course, he is looking beautiful." Luna smiled, tears shining in her eyes. "I can not believe how these two little kids grew up and now will be married under the blessings of the moon goddess. Everything feels surreal."
She was proud of her two sons. Taehyung's mother also shed a few tears, feeling the same emotions as Luna Jeon. Isn't that how mothers usually are, Lovely and always welcoming us with a warm embrace.

Taehyung pulled himself out of the trance of the omega who was waiting for him at the last staircase and within a few steps he was standing in front of Jungkook.
Jungkook bowed in front of him offering his respect and Taehyung softly took the younger's palm in his own and brought it near his lips placing a sweet kiss.

"Greetings, alpha."
The omega subtly took a proper look at Taehyung's attire after stepping down and standing in front of the latter. How perfect he looked today.
The suit that his alpha was wearing of course looked ravishing and handsome after all it was he who helped in the design and making of it. The faint scent of rain and cocoa invaded Jungkook's nostrils but he paid no attention to it as he was lost in the beauty of his enchanting alpha. Their eyes were locked, conversing everything unsaid.

"Won't you praise me alpha? How do I look?" 
He asked, his doe eyes looking as innocent as ever, a questioning glint shining in them which was working as a motivation for Taehyung to not speak and just stare at their beauty but he chose to oppose his emotions and reveal his inner turmoil to the omega in front of him.

"Ohh dear love, do not ask me. My heart is beating at an abnormal pace as if wanting to come out but when do I not feel this way when I am with you? I am feeling something that can't be placed out into words, can't be bled into papers with ink. Do not ask me to commit this sin as I am afraid I won't be successful in appreciating you enough with the little terms I have."
Jungkook's eyes shone with happiness and love when Taehyung finished. His cheeks heated up as they turned red, and his eyes shied away from the alpha's loving yet intimidating gaze.

Oh, how much love he has for Taehyung, every time something like this would happen and he would realise that his little heart can hold much more love than the last time.

After a few seconds, he looked up, the alpha was still smiling at him, he couldn't help but stand on his toes to place a small peck over the alpha's cheek whose smile instantly brightened up.

"May I have the honour to have my omega's first dance?"
He asked. One hand coming in front of Jungkook offering to hold it if he accepts the proposal, well would his precious ever deny, Of course not.

"You may, alpha" 
Holding the alpha's offered hand, they together descended towards the stage.


Do votes and comments, if you are enjoying<333
also be ready for the next chapter, it will be a rollercoaster ^^💓

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