Chapter 9: Welcome, dear fall

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The slight yellow leaves hidden beneath the amber ones appeared golden, and the chilly wind swayed his hairs along with them, causing his mate to cover him in the blanket of his robe and the scent of earth wrapping him in.

The warmth from the palm that was covering his baby bump was calming, a few days left for fall to arrive, but the wait wasn't for the amber leaves, it was for something everyone was excited about.

"We should sit here, love."
The bench under the green tree was occupied by the royal couple.
Taehyung, his alpha, helped him as he sat and he rested his head on the alpha's shoulder who in return placed a loving kiss over his hair, it made him smile.

The couple was out on a little walk as he wasn't feeling well in their chamber, staying there all hours brings fatigue and that is why Taehyung makes sure to include a few activities that would help his omega.

Time hadn't seemed to stop for the past nine months but it was enough to make new memories and lock them in his heart. Jungkook felt utterly grateful for having the best alpha as his mate. It was such a blessing to carry his alpha's pup, their pup.

It felt like a dream but he was glad that it wasn't. His alpha had always been perfect but during this special period, he proved that Jungkook can fall even deeper in love than he already has. Taehyung was always there for him whether it was to hold the bowl when he was nauseating or to fulfill his sexual needs and the most tragic were his tantrums but his alpha never complained- he always told him:

"These little plays that you call tantrums, my love, only allow me to love you even more."
And Jungkook was just an omega, falling for those little romantic exclamations of his alpha.

The best part was the nighttime. When the omega would pretend to be asleep, Taehyung would leave his embrace and crawl down over him and he would gently open the knots of his robe and subtly place his warm hands over his growing bump, caressing the skin and would converse lovingly with their unborn pup- asking who was it's favourite or sometimes scold them that they shouldn't be this mischievous and behave like a good pup for their mother.

It has been an adorable sight to witness as it always provided the comfort Jungkook wanted.

Exciting was the fact that Taehyung could feel their pup, talk to them, and also know what they felt to a certain extent. He got to know about this when he found out that he was pregnant.

His alpha told him that when he touched him in the garden back in the orphanage when he fell into unconsciousness unknowingly, the alpha had felt some emotions that weren't his own.

As time passed, the sensations also became noticeable and then they consulted the elder lady, she informed them that the magic has been linked between the father and his offspring, nature and magic have connected them.

Since then, Jungkook and Taehyung had been talking to their pup, Taehyung could even distinguish their scent, it was of peach as it was always mixed with Jungkook's lavender one.

The days are lovely and the couple cannot wait for their pup to fall into their embrace.


The weak voice of the omega broke the serenity of silence they were in.

"What happened, love?"
Taehyung asked worriedly, his arms tightening around the omega.

"I- I don't feel good…?"
His eyes were brimming with tears.

"Are you okay, love, Uncomfortable?"
His palms cupped the omega's cheeks as he pulled him into his embrace.

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