0.3 : Drinking Again

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After finishing his sword practice, Simon went to the bar. Surprisingly, he wasn't covered in sweat or smelly. At practice, he had fought a handful of the most skilled knights there. Compared to his home, they weren't nearly as fun to toss around.

"Young Master Cale, are you ready to befriend my lovely self?" Simon leaned against the bar's entrance, smirking at the irritated red haired man.

"Just get over here so I never have to see you again," Cale frowned, waving Simon over to the spot next to him.

Everyone inside the pub was either scared shitless since Cale was already in a bad mood or extremely curious. Most of them were witnesses to Cale and Simon's drunk experience at the pub yesterday.

"Alright, eager, are we?" Simon walked over, sitting on the stool next to Cale.

"We're starting with tequila," Cale told the bartender.

"Ok..." The bartender eyed Simon, hoping the young man could keep Cale in check again. Every time the Young Master visited, his bar or the customers would face a test called violence.

Putting three empty shot glasses in front of each man, the bartender poured tequila into all three. Both men picked up one glass, nodding at each other, then drank it as fast as they could before moving on to the next.

"Let's try whiskey next," Simon smirked, glancing at Cale, "You said you liked it, right?"

"Tch," Cale grit his teeth.

They finished the next round of whiskey quickly, too. Then, they moved on to vodka, gin, rum, brandy, and then to the flavors of each liquor.

"Haha, I bet you're getting tired like last night, eh?" Cale snorted, a cheeky smile on his face along with a drunken blush.

"So you remember last night~ I had a feeling~" Simon drank their next shot of cotton candy brandy.

"Oh, shut up. Who wants to have someone to talk to when they're drinking? You're as annoying as Hans. He's always so perky," Cale frowned. He closed his eyes and drank the brandy shot.

"I'm not always this smiley, but you're pretty interesting Young Master Cale~" Simon chugged another shot.

"Of course, I am. I'm the trash of the Count family. I love this life!" Cale held up his shot of brandy, smiling again.

"Here's some brain food, Cale~" Simon dropped the formalities as he drank another shot.

"Brain food?" Cale repeated, furrowing his brows.

"Have you ever felt this happy when drinking? I mean, come on. You're as happy as a clam!" Simon laughed.

"I'm not a clam?" Cale held out his hands, squinting at them.

"You could be, you know why?" Simon smirked, waiting for Cale to ask why.

"Why?" Cale tilted his head.

Simon leaned closer, whispering into Cale's ear, "Because I could just eat you up~" Simon leaned back, watching Cale's face contort into deep confusion, "Hahaha! Cale, you're more innocent than I thought you were!"

"You just have too many double meanings," Cale frowned, then quietly repeated what Simon said, "...eat you up? Eat me? Huh? Isn't that cannibalism? No, eating me wo- *le gasp* You barbarian!" Cale slammed an empty shot glass against the table and pointed at Simon, who was laughing his ass off and pounding his hand against the table.

"That took you long enough," Simon wiped tears from his eyes, still laughing at Cale's red, upset face.

"How dare you!" Cale reached over the counter to grab a bottle of liqueur and went to slam it down on Simon.

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