1.4 : Stranger in Black

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***A/N: I apologize for switching tenses later on. I realized that I normally write in the PAST tense and one of my friends pointed that out to me the other day. I was like- "Quoiiiiii?" - since we were in French class.***

"It's here. The moment Choi Han jumps over the wall, a small kitten gets body slammed by a large cat and gets sent towards the wall where he's about to land," Cale spotted two kittens. One was red and the other was grey, "This is a world where coincidences play a big role."

Cale looked a couple yards further to see a guy dressed in black, slumped against the stone wall, "He twisted his ankle when he tried to avoid crushing the cat. Such a nice person... I've found him."

The man looked between his shaggy black hair to stare at the two newcomers. Cale frowned while Simon curiously looked at the man.

"I'm getting nervous... It's a good thing I drank some alcohol. I need to launch a jab and leave a good impression first," Cale sighed, crouching next to the kittens, "You look hungry." He opened the unsalted chicken in front of the kittens, "Tsk, tsk, you poor things. Eat this."

Simon watched Cale feed them. His smile turned sweeter and he crouched next to Cale to hold out his hand for the cats. The red kitten curiously walked up to Simon's hand while the grey kitten approached the chicken hesitantly.

"Can you eat chicken breasts?" Cale mumbled.

The grey cat hissed when Cale started tearing the meat apart. Cale pet the cat's head, "Eat this and get better soon. You poor things..."

Simon scratched behind the red kitten's ear. It let out cute purrs until it saw the broken up pieces of meat and ran over to eat.

Cale pet the two cats, "... Do you have someplace to go?"

"Hm?" Simon raised an eyebrow. Then he glanced at the man shrouded in black and stood up.

"A place to stay? Aren't you hungry?" Cale finished petting the cats, "As I thought, he won't talk. He must be observing me."

Simon walked over to the man, a curious look in his eyes as he crouched in front of the defensive man. He rested his chin on his fist, smiling at the mysterious man, "Aren't you going to answer?" Cale cautiously watched them.

The man squinted at Simon, "... I'm hungry."

"Then," Cale got up, brushing off dust as he walked over. He stood next to Simon, "Follow me. I'll feed you."

"The best way to give a first impression is by providing delicious food," Cale thought.

"... Wanna come?" Simon grinned and held out his hand.

The man looked at Simon and Cale with wide eyes.

When he didn't move to take Simon's hand, Simon reached out to grab the man's hand, "I don't bite, you know."

"I'm not too sure about that," Cale crossed his arms with a smirk.

"Only for you, Love," Simon teased. He pulled the man up and let go to tap his arm, "We've got a bit to walk." Then Simon went to Cale and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, "Then we can continue..."

Cale jabbed Simon's ribs, "Shut up." He and Simon walked ahead while the mystery man walked behind. Cale's ears were burning.


"It's strange... This all feels familiar. Kittens... a man dressed in black... Cale... This person must've been in it. But who is he?" Simon glanced back at the mystery man.

The man stopped. His head lowered but his eyes were watching Cale and Simon. He looked like a predator observing its prey.

"What are you doing?" Cale turned around. A faint sweat was building up on his forehead.

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