1.2 : Jog His Memory!

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"He left the estate?" Simon snorted. It's been a while since Cale's been spontaneous. Normally, he'd wait for Simon with a bottle of wine. "I guess I'll have to go hunting," Simon joked, leaving Hans to patiently stand by Evangelina.

"Aren't you going with him?" Hans raised an eyebrow.

Evangelina shook her head, "Young Master Simon finds it burdensome if I am with him too much."

"Dang, I'm sorry," Hans awkwardly looked at her.

"Don't be. I have other duties to do," Evangelina shrugged, walking away. She really needed to write a status report for Simon's father. A lot has happened since the four month mark.

Meanwhile, Simon searched the city for Cale. The first place he went to was the pub, not there. Then, he asked a couple people if they had spotted Cale, they said he bought an entire stand worth of bread.

"Bread?" Simon repeated.

"Who knows," The civilians shook their head in confusion.

"I do," Simon smiled, "Thank you." Then he started walking away, the destination locked in his mind. It was a little odd for Cale to go there alone, though.


When Simon reached the top of the hill, he saw two familiar orphans eating bread on the ledge of a small cobblestone wall. They were watching something near the tree worriedly. Simon opened the old wooden gate, seeing Cale throw an entire bag of bread into the endless abyss next to the tree.

The door squeaked and Cale looked over his shoulder. Simon leaned against the cobblestone wall with a smirk, "Since when did you start coming here without me?"

Cale's eyes widened, "... When was the last time we were here?"

"A week and a half ago. We started this whole 'feeding darkness' thing a few months back. Every two weeks since I showed it to you, we've been visiting," Simon walked over, crouching beside Cale.

Simon dug into his pocket, pulling out a candy, then he threw it into the hole. The hole got lighter but a woman's voice, scratchy and deep, started whispering, "More... Give me more..."

"Huh, I guess that finally put a dent in its hunger," Simon chuckled. He stood up, holding out his hands for Cale.

Cale looked between the hole and Simon's hands. He grabbed them and was pulled up. Before Cale could take his hands aways, Simon pulled one close to his lips and kissed his knuckles.

"He's very touchy, isn't he?" Cale thought to himself. His hand tingled but he wasn't quite sure how to feel about the kisses and touches.

"Where to next, Love?" Simon held Cale's hand, gently caressing it.

Cale stared at their hands, "A tea shop."

"Oh? Something new?" Simon squeezed Cale's hand, he grinned, "I like it."

They started walking away. Before the orphans could speak, Cale held up his free hand, "If you want more bread tomorrow, don't say a thing." The kids quickly shut up.

"Tomorrow?" Simon asked. He slowed down to wonder why.

"Yes. We'll be doing this everyday until the darkness disappears," Cale explained, tugging Simon along by his hand. They walked a good way away from the kids.

Simon chuckled, "I guess you're curious to see what'll happen when it's gone."

"...Aren't you?" Cale asked. He needed to act like he didn't know about the hole. Simon made it seem like they were just two curious idiots who wanted to make the darkness leave.

"I already know," Simon smirked. He stopped, pulling Cale closer to him and grabbing Cale's waist, "If you want to know, I'll need a little reward. Don't ya think?" Simon lowered his head, leaning close enough for their foreheads to touch.

The tips of Cale's ears turned red. His gut twisted and his heart skipped, "Um..."

"Uh oh, did I break you?" Simon snickered, "I guess I'll have to fix you up then." Simon leaned closer, tenderly kissing Cale.

It was... new. This Cale had never kissed a guy before. If he was normal, he probably would have pushed Simon away. But there was something drawing him to Simon. Cale couldn't leave Simon if he wanted to.

Simon bit Cale's bottom lip. Cale frowned, but Simon's cheeky smirk made his body naturally comply, "What the hell?" Simon slid his tongue in, roaming Cale's mouth and sucking on his tongue. They both closed their eyes, enjoying the kiss as much as they could.

All of the sudden, Cale opened his eyes. Images flashed through his mind before melding into black and white memories. Thankfully he could hear them but the colors were gone. All of those memories were of Cale and Simon together or Cale doing something related to Simon.

Everything they did from the moment they met at the pub to their last memory of saying goodnight flooded into Cale's mind. He felt everything they did both ways. Cale's heart sped up at the new feelings both emotionally and physically.

"Mhn," Cale unconsciously groaned.

Simon sucked harder before pulling back to cup Cale's face. Simon smiled sweetly, loving the way Cale blushed and stared directly into Simon's soul, "I love you."

Cale's heart practically jumped out of his chest. He dropped his gaze and hugged Simon. Simon hummed, wrapping his arms around Cale and squeezing him gently. The bliss on Simon's face could never be wiped away as long as Cale's with him.

"That's one way to jog memories," Cale nearly snorted. He rubbed Simon's back, slowly looking up at Simon with a blush, "But I should only do that with this man."


I'm glad you know. Because if the OG Cale knew you kissed anyone else, he'd smite you.

*Smiles as politely as Ron*

(Inner Voice: ...Or would he?)

Don't use my words against me!

Am I making this Cale too soft? I'm not trying to make either one of them too Dom or too Sub, you know?

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