Heterochromatic P2

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As requested. Sorry it's been a long time since the last chapter. I apologise, I just haven't had any inspiration. Hope this is acceptable.

It didn't take long before George found out Dream was a popular guy in school. His heart fluttered every time he laid eyes on the blonde haired boy. George wanted so badly to go talk to him again, after their first interaction, but with so many people being around him all the time. He was too afraid. Afraid that the connection he felt between them was a lie. That Dream didn't really want to be his friend, and instead was just trying to be nice, to get out of an awkward situation.

George leaves the cafeteria, seeing as every table was already occupied by groups of friends. He didn't have the courage to go say hi to anyone. He steps outside, feeling the soft breeze hit his face. Luckily he had sunglasses on to protect his eyes from the glare. His eyes scanned the area, he had yet to go outside. He had no reason to. But it was a nice day today.

He wandered around, until he found the rugby area.


His head snapped towards the sound.

It was him. Dream.

He smiled, giving a shy wave in his direction.

His heart plummeted in his chest when Dream signalled him to go over to the group he was with.

"It would be embarrassing if I ignored him" George mumbles to himself, heading towards the bleachers, where they were sitting.

"Hi" He says politely as he reaches them.

"Hey George! Sit down, join us!" Dream says taping the seat besides him.

"Are you sure?" George hesitates, but slowly takes a seat next to him.

"Of course, I haven't seen you since that first day, we don't have many classes together it sucks" Dream complains.

"Um yeah" George couldn't help but smile. Dream really did want to be his friend after all.

"Ohhhhh. So this is the guy you said walked into you. I'm Nick, but you can call me Sapnap" A boy says.

The reast of the group seemed to follow his lead, and introduced themselves, before falling back into conversation with one another.

"Dream said you were super cool so it's nice to finally meet you" Sapnap smiles.

"He did?" George tilts his head slightly.

"Well he used the word cute but it's the same thing" Sapnap shrugs.

"Dude!" Dream moans (no not like that -_-) punching Sapnap's shoulder.

"Ow! Shit that hurt man!" Sapnap groans in pain.

"I told you not to tell him I said that!" Dream glares at him.

"Well I'm glad you think so" George says feeling his face turn red.

Dream couldn't hide his own blush, but clears his throat to try gain his composure "Yeah, I see your wearing the sunglasses though, it's a shame"

"I never got to thank you for giving these to me" George says sincerely.

 "I thought I recognised those, I just assumed you had the same pair" Karl says.

"If you've only met once how did you get his sunglasses?" Sapnap asks confused.

Dream turns to George seeming him unable to say anything.

"He was covering his eyes with his hair so I gave them to him so he wouldn't have to block his view" Dream says.

"Bet that stopped you walking into people" Sapnap jokes.

"It has" George laughs.

"But what reason do you have to cover your eyes, are you sensitive to the sun?" Karl asks concerned.

"No it's nothing like that, I just don't like my eyes" George explains, in the best way he could without having to explain.

"awe what's there to hate, your pretty" Karl compliments him.

Dream puts his arm around George's shoulders whispering to him "These guys are nice, you don't need to hide anything from them"

"I'm not sure" George mutters.

"I promise" Dream says with a serious face "You won't regret it"

"Okay fine" George sighs.

"You got one eye or something?" Sapnap asks confused.

"No" George frowns, "I'm not a pirate" He takes the sunglasses, placing them on the top of his hair instead. He glanced at his friends before putting his head down. "There two different colours and I know it's weird"

"Show me!" Sapnap says grabbing his face making his look up. "That's awesome!"

"Your awfully close" George says.

"Let go of him!" Dream laughs pulling Sapnap away.

"Your even prettier than before!" Karl smiles.

"Not as good looking as me but yeah man your close enough" Sapnap jokes.

"Careful, I heard if your ego gets any bigger your head will explode" Dream rolls his eyes.

"Says you Mr every girl loves me" Sapnap crosses his arms.

"Ugh who cares" Dream shrugs.

"You are very popular" George adds.

"You think?" Dream asks.

"People were talking about you in class. A lot of people like you" George tells him.

"And I assume your one of these people" Dream smirks.

"Of course I like you" George smiles, not paying attention to the connotation's implied.

"Awe that's sweet" Karl awes.

"I'm glad I met you guys. Thank you for being so nice to me" George smiles.

"Your not getting rid of us no matter how hard you try!" Sapnap smiles.

"Your apart of our group now and I personally won't let you go anywhere" Dream laughs wrapping his arm around George's shoulder once again.

"I wouldn't dream of leaving"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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