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Prompt- Dream realises he is in love with George thanks to a conversation with Wilbur.


"It was nice playing with you Wilbur but I should go see what Sapnap and George are up too, they've probably burnt down my kitchen by now" Dream laughs at the thought.

"That's not a problem but can I talk to you about something before you leave?" Wilbur asks.

"Go ahead" Dream says relaxing back into his chair, he was ready to get up and leave his computer.

"Before that can you describe George to me?" Wilbur asks randomly.

"Why?" Dream asks curiously.

"Come on it's just a quiz I saw online" Wilbur begs him.

"Okay. Well I guess. um... He's got dark fluffy hair, big dark eyes. He's overall good-looking. He's short, but not too short. He's at perfect height to hug him if I tried... Um, he's very funny and his laugh is contagious. We've sat in call for hours together laughing about dumb jokes" Dream laughs just thinking about it. "He's not the best at dealing with his emotions, but he's the most caring, kind-hearted person I know... Is um... that good enough?" Dream stops himself after he realises he's been rambling.

Wilbur laughs lightly "Yes it is... Okay so you could consider it as a private topic so feel free not to answer" Wilbur starts.

"Okaaay..." Dream says a little on edge.

"A friend of mine asked for advice the other day and I didn't know what to say to them. I thought I'd ask you about it since your in a similar position to them... Basically, they are a streamer just like us and they are shipped big time with their best friend, just like you." Wilbur explains.

"You mean me and George" Dream says smiling casually at the mention of his friend.

"Exactly. But you see this person has noticed the way they act towards their friend and how happy they get just to think or be around them" Wilbur adds.

"Oh..." Dream clears his throat "So do they think they are in love with the other?"

"They think so but they came to me for advice, I told them to tell me describe their friend to me. They spoke about her in a very loving, heartfelt way, that I thought they loved them too. But then you spoke about George in the same kind of way, so now I'm confused. I don't know if I gave them wrong advice or not"

"That explains why you asked me that question. I was wondering why" Dream says quietly. "Honestly, I don't know how to give you an answer. I've never sat down and thought about George like that. Even with all the jokes and even if I was in love with him it wouldn't matter because he wouldn't love me back" Dream says thinking out loud.

"That's similar to what my friend was saying. He said he had never thought about it until one day he just realised. He was watching films together like they always do and he snapped" Wilbur tells him.

"Hmm..." Dream hums.

"Sorry to put you in an awkward position" Wilbur apologises. "I'll let you go the others"

"Don't be sorry. It's interesting to think about. I'll try get back to you with a response" Dream tells him.

"Thank you Dream. Bye" Dream watches the ring around Wilbur's avatar glow on discord.

"Have a good stream later! I'll try pop into say hi. Bye!" Dream says before ending the call.

He leans back in his seat and looks up at the ceiling. He takes a moment to think about it before shrugging. He gets up and heads downstairs.

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