Stream- Smut

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Prompt- Dream is streaming and George wants attention
TW- Sexual references/themes


George's Pov (3rd person)

"Ugh seriously how long is he going to be streaming for" George groans throwing his head back against the sofa. He gazes up at the blank ceiling in thought. "I'm bored on my own" He sighs to the empty room. He had spent the last hour scrolling through tiktok bored. He knows he could simply go join the call and talk with Dream but he wasn't in the mood to talk secretly. You see Dream and George have been dating for a while now. Only their close friends know. They have only just told the fans that George was going to visit Dream soon. Not the fact that he was already here and had been for a long time now. Fans were very suspicious of this though considering he had not made an appearance in any of the British crews vlogs. Also the time in which he posts on twitter and other socials was different. Not by much considering he didn't have a good sleep schedule in the first place. Always trying to match it up with Dream so they could spend more time together.

George shakes his head, snapping him out of his internal monologue. He reluctantly pulls himself up off the sofa and heads for Dream's room. He doesn't bother to knock, instead he just walks in. Trying to open and close the door as quietly as he can. He turns to Dream, who didn't seem to have noticed him yet since he had his back to him and had his headphones on.

George walks over and whispers "clay"

Dream looks over when hearing his name, his face lights up in a smile and he presses a button on his keyboard in order to mute himself. "Hey George, what's wrong baby?" He asks sweetly.

George feels his heart flutter and he plays with his hoodie sleeves. Only now noticing he was wearing nothing but boxers and one of Dream's jumpers. He decided to wear it after his shower since it looked comfortable.

"I um..." George starts in a quiet voice still, even though the microphone wasn't turned on. He walked over to Dream and climbed on his lap.

"Awe you just want my attention" Dream laughs lightly pulling George by his waist into a more comfortable position.

"You've been streaming for hours. I miss you" George pouts looking up at Dream. "Can I stay with you?"

"You can stay here but you have to be quite okay. Remember no one knows your here" Dream tells him.

George smiles nodding quickly. He leans into Dream, putting his head on his chest. Dream pulls the keyboard close to him and unmutes himself, continuing the game. His character had been frozen and he wasn't talking so he knew he had to give so kind of excuse to the viewers. "Sorry about that chat, Patches came in my room and sat on my lap. It was really adorable I wish you could see it" 

George feels his face heat up. Dream was describing him not the cat. Yet no one knew. Instead the chat was spammed with 'awe'. George lets out a quite giggle as he reads.

They continue like his for a while until George starts to get bored. He wanted more attention from Dream. Screw that. He wanted his full attention. The fans have had him for long enough, George wants his Dream back.

George sits up and carefully turns around on Dream's lap, so that he was facing the taller boy. Dream's eyes flicker down to him and he gives a warm smile before he looks back at the screen, and continues to thank a subscriber.

George stares up at the blonde admiring his features. After all this time he still felt butterflies when he looked at Dream. He felt helpless under Dream's gaze. George's love for the boy was dangerously deep, he knew that. But he didn't care. He couldn't fight it off even if he tried. And trust me when I say he did try.

He puts his hand to Dream's hair, running through the soft locks. He knew Dream loved it when he did this because he was the same. Dream lets out a soft hum in content, forgetting what he was talking about for a second. "Oh ugh... what was I saying?" He says to the chat.

He gives George a glance as a warning, his voice drops into a quite whisper so the microphone doesn't pick up "I told you not to distract me".

"It's not my fault you like it so much" George smiles innocently.

Dream grabs George's neck on instinct, squeezing it slightly. George let out a whimper making Dream pull away quickly realising what he had done. He always had to show George who was in charge but he couldn't right now. Not while he was streaming. Dream clears his throat and goes back to the computer.

George gently put his hand to his neck to replace Dream's. Feeling it tingling from the warmth that just ran through him from the contact. He loved when Dream did that. Whenever Dream showed him who was boss. He would literally melt in the taller boys hands.

He pushed his hips down on Dream subconsciously while deep in thought. Thinking about the late nights they've spent wrapped in each others arms. His pants were tight. He wriggled desperately on Dream's lap trying to release some tension from his lower region while trying to be subtle. 

Dream grabs his waist with one hand stopping his movements. George felt Dream's hot breath on his neck as he pulled the smaller boy closer to him "I suggest you stop pretty boy or your going to regret it" Dream whispers low. He places a single kiss on George's neck before letting go completely. 

A shaky breath was all that could escape past George's lips. He clung to the front on Dream's shirt head down. He was embarrassed at how quickly he would get turned on. Just some simple words and a grab of the neck and George will crumble in Dream's arms.

"Clay... Please" George begs under his breath, leaning his head on his lovers chest.

Dream lets out a breath of his own "Right chat I think I heard Sapnap calling me so I have to go see what he needs. I'll be back in a second" He says. George's heart was beating fast in anticipation. Sapnap wasn't here, he had gone to visit his parents for the weekend.

"Eyes up here Georgie" Dream demands.

George can't help but follow his command. Their gaze meets and Dream smirks grabbing the boys hips once again. He picks George up slightly and places him on his knee. George gives him a confused look, putting his hands on Dream's leg to keep himself steady.

"If you want me that bad then go ahead" Dream says smug and slowly start bouncing his leg. George yelps at the shiver of pleasure that runs through his body. His body finally getting the thing it had been begging for.

"C-clay!" George moans lightly trying to hold it back, but can't as Dream bounces his leg faster laughing.

"God George you really do fall apart with the smallest things" Dream laughs "Such a mess"

"Shut up" George says embarrassed covering his mouth with one hand, the other still supporting himself.

Dream stops bouncing his leg, turning George's face to look up at him. "We both know you love my voice" He smirks.

"Your so full of yourself" George groans.

"But" Dream says.

"But I love you..." George mutters avoiding eye contact shyly.

"I love you too baby" Dream says kissing him lightly. "But I'm going to ruin you" He picks George up, making George wrap his legs around him so he doesn't fall when they stand up.

"Your still streaming" George says hesitantly, he wanted Dream. He didn't want him to go back to streaming but he couldn't let anything happen knowing the fans were on the other side of a muted microphone.

"Shit" Dream says. He carefully puts George on the floor and unmutes. "Hey I'm sorry about the wait but I'm going to end the stream now. Thank you guys all for watching but Geo- Ugh... Sapnap is begging for my attention" He laughs through his mistake, pretending it didn't happen "Bye!" He quickly ends and shuts his computer down.

Dream stands up fully turning to George. He opens his arms and George jumps into them, wrapping his arms around Dream's neck. He pulls the taller boy down to his level to be able to kiss him.

The night was long.

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