Their Daughter

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Prompt- George and Dream have a daughter together (adopted) and they finally decide to show their fans.
TW- Adoption?

George close's the door placing his bag and keys on the side. He see's the child struggling to take off her shoes, he takes both her small hands in his and smiles " Cleo. Do you want to do it this time?" 

Her face lights up "Yes!"

"Ready?" He says counting her down "3... 2...-"

"1!" She cuts him off.

"Go on then" George laughs.

"Daddy we're home!" She yells copying George, since he always yells out to Dream.

She starts giggling and runs into the house to search for Dream. George see's her run to the streaming room and panic's "Hold up not in there!"

But it was too late, by the time he got to the doorway he saw their daughter run up to Dream. Dream spins his chair around to her and opens his arms up. Cleo jumps into his arms happily  "Hello princess!" He smiles at her, picking her up to sit on his lap on the chair, while turning the camera off. 

"I tried to stop her coming in here" George says rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's alright. I managed to turn off the camera before they could see your pretty little face" He says bopping her on the nose making her laugh. 

Dream holds his arm up gesturing George for a hug. "I am live, they can hear if you want to say hi" George walks over putting his arm around Dream's shoulder as his arm slides around George's waist.

"Are you streaming?!" Cleo gasps covering her mouth.

"Yes I am" Dream smiles at her.

"I'm not meant to be in here!" She says looking between her fathers.

They both laugh at her innocence "It's okay sweetheart. You can say hello too if you want"

"Hello to what?" Cleo asks confused.

"To the camera. Look's of people are watching, well they can't see but-" Dream try's to explain.

"Why can't they see?" She asks curelessly.

"Because we don't want them knowing what you look like" George tells her.

"That's not fair" She pouts crossing her arms.

Dream and George look at each other and shrug "Do you want them to see you?" Dream asks slightly hesitant.

"Yes I'm pretty!" She shouts.

"Yeah you are" George encourages her.

"Here goes nothing. Chat it's finally time for you to meet our daughter!" Dream announces turning on his camera.

"say your name" George tells her.

"Your name!" She smiles waving at the camera.

Dream wheezes. "No your suppose to say hello my name is and then your name silly" George smiles.

"Hello my name is Cleo!" She cheers.

Dream and George clap making her laugh. "Your a natural!" Dream tells her.

"Shall we tell Daddy what we did today?" George smiles at her. He didn't think about how much him calling Dream 'daddy' would be clipped until it left his mouth.

"You must tell me! Did you have fun?" Dream asks her.

"Yes! I found a penny!" She says proudly pulling it out of her pocket to show him.

"Wow that's awesome, make sure you keep it safe and then you can buy some candy!" He praises her ruffling her hair.

"Mummy said to tell you they're sweets not candy and that your a stinky" She says pointing to George.

"That's my girl" George says giving her a high five.

"Oh did he now" Dream smirks at his husband, before turning back to her and whispering something in her ear.

"Go back to London you" She laughs holding her mouth not able to finish.

"Go on you can say it" Dream smiles at her.

"You silly bum" She says laughing.

George gasps dramatically and picks her up from Dream's lap "That's it misses no strawberry's for a hundred thousand years" He says since it's her favourite food.

"Noooooo!" She laughs trying to get out his arms. "Daddy help!"

"Alright you two break it up" Dream jokes standing up, taking Cleo putting her on the ground.

"I'm going to make dinner. Do you want to help me?" George asks her.

"Can I hold the spoon?" She bargains squinting her eyes. Her way of 'helping' make dinner was sitting on a chair or the counter holding a spoon watching George and talking to him.

"Yes of course you can" George smiles. "And if your good, you might be allowed to play minecraft with us later, how's that sound"

"Yay!" She yells running off to the kitchen.

"I was going to wrap up stream soon, so I'll be out in a bit to help" Dream says wrapping his arms around George, pulling him closer.

"Good, I've missed you" George smiles leaning up to kiss Dream lightly.

"I've missed you too darling. Go on I won't be long" He smiles sweetly pulling away.

"Alright love" George smiles leaving the room.

His life was perfect. He married his best friend and they had the most amazing daughter together.

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