𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲?..

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Sunghoon slung his work bag on his shoulder and left to walk to the club he worked at.

He didn't work as a bartender or waiter. No way! Sunghoon knew he was too good looking for that shit and became a stripper after he had to drop out of college after 1 term.

His parents said it was too expensive but Sunghoon knew the only reason that they didn't want him to go to school, was that so they could save up money for their beloved daughter's fucking wedding.

They despised the way Sunghoon looked like a girl. They constantly criticized his looks and Sunghoon at first cared but soon he stopped giving a shit.

He wore what he wanted and did anything he wanted to do. So he got fucked by whoever he picked and dyed his hair when he wanted.

When Sunghoon entered work a few hours early he smiled at his best friend Sunoo. Sunoo yawned as he applied some mascara on.

"Why are you yawing? You can't be sleepy, it's a Thursday today."

"You don't understand my bitch was keeping me up all night screaming at me as loud as she fucking could."

"Damn. I would say break up."

"I will actually if one more person suggests it."

Sunghoon chuckled and sat down on the hot pink chair pulling out his makeup bag from the duffel bag he brought from his apartment.

"Also did you see the two new people outside. It was a boss and he brought his manager. The manager looks so nervous it's so cute!"

"What does the boss look like?"

"He looks like your dream guy! I suggest keeping your eyes on him. You could get some good money."

"God I love you sometimes Sunoo."

"Why not all the time your whore?!"

Sunghoon scoffed and slowly put all his makeup back in the makeup bag, zipping it up and grabbing the outfit from his bag to change into.

He wore the outfit he normally got the most tips wearing: a fucking bunny suit. It was shaped like a swimsuit and it really accentuated his shape.

He cringed at the outfit. It looked like what those teenagers wore on halloween but if the people liked it and the money came through. He would do it.

He suddenly heard his name being shouted from the speaker as he was wearing his high heeled boots and he quickly rushed to the stairs slowly walking out to reveal himself.

He walked with his hands on his hips and towards the stage. He looked around in the crowd for the guy Sunoo was talking about and found him immediately.

He was sitting at a bar and making eye contact with Sunoo as he swirled the whiskey in his cup around in circles.

He blushed a bright red and started to do his fucking job. He started to dance provocatively. He felt embarrassed for the first time for some reason.

Maybe because that guy was watching. When he finished he stared at the guy once more and left no longer wearing his bunny ears since they fell off.

< ✦ >

Jay smirked at the dancer and got up. He picked up the bunny ears on the floor and started to watch the next person come on.

After Black Bunny nobody else interested him. They were all average. But the dancer that amazed him had fair skin, blonde hair that showed signs of past colouring and a bright red blush on his face.

When the club started to close down Jay was standing outside as he said bye to his manager: Nishimura Riki.

He then saw the dancer he saw earlier walking out of a door from the back of the club. He was now wearing normal clothes but still. His shorts that he was wearing were a little short.

Jay but his lip and walked forward.


"Shit! Fuck! You scared me you bastard! Who the fuck are you?-"

"That was a lot of curse words for something as little as you."

Jay smirked and raised an eyebrow at him. His smirk grew when he saw the embarrassed red face he saw on that stage earlier appear on the dancer's face.

"Uhm... What would you like from m-me?"

Sunghoon inwardly cursed himself for stuttering and to his dismay Jay was smirking with his attractive fucking face as he towered over him.

"How much to buy you?"

Sunghoon's nose crunched up and the question. How did this man expect to buy the most angelic man in the world. The Park Sunghoon? Sunghoon laughed and joked around.

"BahahHah- Maybe 2 million won-"

Jay opened his wallet and slapped 2 million won into Sunghoon's hands. Sunghoon's eyes widened and he looked up at Jay.

"What the fuck dude!"

"It's Daddy to you."

"What the actual fuck?!"

"Stop cursing before I actually fuck you."

Sunghoon blushed and just stared at jay.

"What do you mean? Buy me?"

"I mean you spend the money. I swipe the card. You ride the dick. I'll make you ride my dick."

Sunghoon blushed but the more that he thought about the more it sounded reasonable. All Jay would do was spend money on him and fuck him. What could go wrong?

"So you mean you are my sugar daddy?"

"If you want to phrase it like that."

"So all you do is spend money on me and I get to get fucked?"

"Correct only a Princess like you deserves such royal treatment."

"When do I start?"

"Right now. Let's go to your house. Pack your stuff your moving in with me."

"What?! But-"

"You agreed now, come on."

Jay pulled Sunghoon by the wrist and opened the door to his black BMW helping Sunghoon in. He then walked to the driver's seat.

"Let's get to driving where do you live?"

"No way this is happening right now..."

(A/N: Sorry first chap is boring I swear it gets more interesting 😭) just

sugar daddy - jayhoon Where stories live. Discover now