𝐌𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞?

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Jay walked in and adjusted his watch and suit jacket after he looked at the time.

"4 minutes left. Nice on Jake."

He muttered to himself before walking into the meeting room.

He let out a quick breath when he noticed no one was there yet.

He then took out his laptop and notebook and got everything ready.

Patiently, he waited for the clients.

Jay's head snapped to look at the door once he heard the door handle turn.

He watched as Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim wlaked through the door but he was a bit surprised to see what looked like their son accompanying them as well.

'Weird? Nobody ever brings their children with them...'

Jay thought but ignored it.

He stood up and shook hands with all of them.

He slightly cringed when he saw that what seemed to be their son blushed when they shook hands.

Once they all sat down and said their hellos Jay spoke but was interrupted.

"So what was the business you would like to talk about?-"

"Marry my son."

Jay's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, sir what?"

"Marry my son and we can do business."

"Did you ever think that I might be taken?"

"You have no current relationships."

"Yes I do. It may not be public but I do."

"Break up. This deal is something you cannot miss. I will give you 55% of the shares from my company."

Jay was rich enough and even the Kims knew that. So it was no surprised he just declined again.

"No! I said no! I talk Business not arranged marriage. If I get in a relationship it will be my first and last. I will not marry someone I don't love!"

Mrs. Kim just laughed.

"Don't be so silly you can learn to love our son."

"No thank you. Please leave."

"Fine you will regret this."

Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim got up and left. The boy was still sitting down before he got up and waited for the door to close.

"Thank you so much Jay. I wanted to ask though how is your relationship with Sunghoon?"

Jay was shocked how did this kid know?

"Are you stalking me? How the fuck do you know about that?"

"Oh no no! Sorry I came off in the wrong way. Uhm I'm a friend of Sunghoon's we used to work together at the club. But now we just text."

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