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Sunoo pulled up to the club and parked his car.

They unbuckled their seat belts and walked out of the car.

Sunghoon unzipped his jacket and left it in the car.

Sunoo quickly clicked a button and the car roof started to close preventing anything from the inside of the car to be stolen

Sunghoon gasped.

"How the fuck do you have so much money? You are literally a stripper."

Sunoo winked.

"The best stripper in town babe."

Both of them laughed and walked up to the club.

As soon as the bouncer saw Sunoo's face he let both of them in and they walked straight to the bar.

"Tell me what is going on between you and Jake!"

Sunoo ordered two cocktails before answering. He crossed his legs and thought about it before answering.

"It isn't serious yet. Right now, to me, it seems like a hookup that might happen again cause we think other is hot."

Sunghoon laughed and slapped the table.

"No way that is it! Sunoo you can't let go of Jake!"

Sunoo blinked his eyes and looked at Sunghoon in confusion.


"Because he thinks you are so prefect! I literally heard him ranting to Jay about how he is jealous that Jay saw you first."

Sunoo blushed.

"What? Really?"

"Yes! Please Sunoo don't fuck this relationship up. You deserve someone who loves you."

"I'm sorry, I just can't... I can't forget him."

"He is in the past. You have Jake now!"

The lady brought a plate with the two yellow cocktails and smiled.

Sunoo muttered a thank you and Sunghoon nodded with a smile.

Once the lady walked away Sunghoon spoke again. Seriously.

"Sunoo. Let him go. He can't torture you anymore. You can't feel guilty about that it wasn't even your fault."

"I know but-"

"No buts! It's not your fault, period. Now keep Jake close and let's drink to our hearts content."

Sunoo smiled on the verge of tears and clicked the two cups together.

"Cheers mother fucker, I love you."

"I love you too."

< ✦ >

Sunoo and Sunghoon stopped drinking cocktails and started taking shots.

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