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Sunghoon groaned his back was killing him and he didn't want to get up.

Jay was nowhere to be seen and Sunghoon was slightly upset.

Why did Jay always disappear in the morning?

Sunghoon got up but his legs gave out.

"Holy shit..."

His legs felt like jelly as he wobbled himself to the bathroom.

He sat on the counter of the bathroom and the memories of a few days ago flashed back into his mind.

He blushed and washed his face.

He started to brush his teeth when he heard the door Click Open.


"Jay! I'm here!"

Jay turned his head Go Look at Sunghoon who was sitting on the bathroom counter and chuckled.

"Why are you sitting on the bathroom counter?"

"I can't walk. My legs feel like jelly."

"That was expected."

Sunghoon shrugged and washed out the toothpaste in his teeth.

He jumped on Jay and Jay caught him as a reflex.

"Princess! You scared me! Careful, what if I had dropped you?!"

"Let's look at the positive facts which are that you caught me."

Jay scoffed and just carried his princess downstairs and sat him down on a chair.

Jay went into the kitchen and put a plate in front of Sunghoon.

He sat in front of Sunghoon and waited for his dear to try it.

"How is it?"

Sunghoon nodded his head and hummed.

"It's really good!"

Jay smiled and Sunghoon melted.

"I Made it myself."

"You can cook?"

"Of course I can! Stop acting surprised. I have cooked for you before Sunghoon."

Sunghoon scratched the back of his head trying to remember when the other had cooked for him before.

"Princess who do you think cooks for you in the morning?"

"Uhh... The maids."

Jay sighed.

"No princess, I'm the one who cooks for you every morning."

"Oh... thank you but can you like stop."

"What? Why?"

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