𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥.

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Jay walked near the entrance of the adoption centre before he stopped himself and ran back to the car.

Sunghoon stood in his tracks confused as his dear ran off to his car to try and get something.

Jay opened the truck of his car and it was filled with colourful toys.

Sunghoon's mouth slightly dropped and he smiled.

'He is so pure...'

But Sunghoon's thoughts were soon proven untrue when he remembered what happened the same morning.

He ran to Jay to try and help but Jay declined the help and decided to carry everything by himself.

They walked into the adoption centre together.

Sunghoon smiled when he saw all the cute kids behind the receptionists desk.

Jay placed the gifts down beside the desk and smiled at the receptionist.

"Oh Jay! The children haven't seen you in awhile they are excited! Sorry I didn't help you I couldn't see your face past all the boxes."

The man awkwardly laughed and rubbed the back of her neck.

He looked stressed and totally out of it.

He definitely needed a break.

Sunghoon was too busy staring at the children who were happily playing.

Jay was concerned.

"Minghao you look wrecked..."

"Oh yeah! I don't know if it's adopting season or something but parents are coming and adopting kids left, right and centre. I am so happy for them..."

Minghao sighed and rubbed his temples.

"I am so happy for them but I don't remember the last time I got some sleep or saw Jun..."

Jay pursed his lips and smiled.

"Me and Sunghoon can help take care of the kids today while you go take a quick break... And see your husband of course."

Minghao smiled and shook his head.

"I'm sorry it's too much work and-"

"I insist."

Minghao thought about it and agreed he really needed a break.

He quickly showed Jay around and taught him each of the kids names and allergies before he left.

"Thank you so much Jay!"

Jay smiled.

"No problem, anytime Minghao... You know how much I love this place."

Minghao chuckled and waved as he walked away.

Jay could feel something was off about Sunghoon when he saw him playing with the kids having a slight smile and being quiet.

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