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Jay smiled as he placed his poor exhausted princess in the bathtub.

Although Jay felt slightly guilty when he saw the state of Sunghoon he shrugged and smiled when he remembers who actually started it.

Sunghoon whines when Jay turns on the tap and water starts to touch his skin.

"My ass is stinging!"

He squirmed at the feeling of water and Jay laughed.

"Calm down princess."

Jay held Sunghoon's hand and helped him bathe.

Soon enough Sunghoon's whining couldn't be heard when he started to drift off to sleep.

Jay chuckled and kissed his princess's

"You are so precious."

Jay turned off the tap and reluctantly woke Sunghoon up.

"Princess, wake up please."

Sunghoon's eyes fluttered open and he groaned.

"I really wanna sleep Jay..."

Jay smiled.

"Of course let's get you changed and I'll put you to sleep."

"Can you hug me?"

"Anything for you."

Sunghoon reached his hands out and grabbed Jay's shoulders as Jay carried Sunghoon bride style.

Jay opened the door with his foot while carrying Sunghoon.

Sunghoon giggled.

"What's so funny?"

Jay asked as he placed Sunghoon on the bed.

Jay walked towards the closet and started looking for something for his dear to wear.

"I love that your taking care of me..."

Jay pulled something random out from the wardrobe and decided it was good enough.

"I always take care of you?"

Jay raised and eyebrow at Sunghoon.

"But today it feels special!"

Sunghoon smiled and tried to grab the clothes.

"No it's fine let me do it."

Sunghoon shook his head after grabbing the clothes from Jay's hands.

"You will hundred percent do something."

Jay scoffed.

"I'm offended. I was literally the one who said we should stop yesterday after you were desperate."

Sunghoon turned a bright red as he wore the large shirt.

"Don't bring that up! I was high!"

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