Mini one shot (#3)

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In which Hashirama is in his rut, in a cave away from the battlefield, and Murada just happens to smell his overwhelming scent and the next moment gets dragged by Hashirama inside the cave-

Yes yes, have fun with this.

I. Am. Stressed! And perhaps a bit TOO messed, meh- I can survive. Maybe-

Wish me luck :∆✨

Hahahahaha... I-
I need a nap right now-


The battlefield was once again empty of those who are alive retreated back to their respective clans to rest and come back once more to fight with full hatred and hostility, the fallen surrounded the ever so bloodied scenery to everyone's sighting.

Even after many generations, they still fought viciously against one another, and all for what? They receive nothing but the death of their young children, and what do they do upon such things as those? Honor them? Where is honor within a death of a child who's innocence was forcedly taken from them the moment they were entered the world of bloodshed.

Not to mention pride, just the topic of pride itself is already self explanatory to the given situation, don't you think?


Somewhere. A sixteen year old Hashirama tripped perhaps two or more times as he kept running through the forest in his state of rut, the reason of such a runaway was the fact his father attempted on giving his youngest brother to him, who was an omega, during his current rut as of now.

So here he was, running away from his own birth clan. Though of course he's planning on coming back in a week or two, just until his rut had finished. Soon, he found a cave and wiped the sweats on his forehead and smiled.

He'll stay in this cave and wait until his rut is finished, though of course he'll be cautious if omegas were near this location. Though he doubts that anyone would even be in this forest, especially when war is still at present.

He groaned as he laid down on the ground and leaned against a giant rock as he breathed in and out, in and out, in and out, repeatedly to calm his current state.

He was far too tense and too violent when his rut started, which was yesterday after he had just came back from the battlefield, and so his attempt of calming down is rather working but slowly. Little progress but Hashirama would take that rather than nothing.

He desperately wishes for an omega to mate to help his rut, he doesn't felt like fighting with another alpha to help with his rut, he groaned once more. Why couldn't Murada be an omega? Instead he was an alpha such as Hashirama himself is, it wasn't fair.

Truly, Kami-sama is cruel for making the Uchiha he so loved and wanted to claim bloom into an alpha.


With an Uchiha, Murada to be precise. He sighed tiredly as he combed his spiky wild hair that matches Madara's as his ears twitched slightly upon such action, he decided to take a walk around the forest to calm his mind for a moment.

He had just gotten into an argument with his father a while ago and that caused him to storm out of the household while he had ignored Madara calling him name, and now the said twin was arguing with their old man with Izuna backing him up.

Murada sighed once more and shook his head, he placed his focus on the foresty as he admired its beauty. Though at the topic and scenery the forest, his mind soon focused on Hashirama.

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